From Rock Climbing to Writing: Unexpected Lessons Learned

How conquering the wall made me more confident in my words

Amy Barlowe
Readers Hope
5 min readJul 5, 2024


Photo by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen on Unsplash

Imagine this: me, hanging high above the ground, chalk dust clinging to my hands, my heart pounding with anticipation. This is my first time tackling a route designed to test my limits, a challenging climb I’ve been eyeing for weeks. Fear, as usual, tries to hold me back, whispering doubts in my ear. But I take a deep breath, focus on the next move, and trust my instincts. The feeling of triumph, of reaching the top after conquering a tough climb, is incredible. It’s not about bragging rights. It’s about pushing your boundaries, and testing what you’re capable of.

That feeling of accomplishment, of staring down fear and achieving something you never thought possible, fuels my writing. It’s a similar dance with doubt — the blank page, the fear of the unknown, the struggle to find the right words. But like rock climbing, that initial apprehension gives way to a surprising sense of empowerment when the words finally flow. This article explores the unexpected lessons I’ve learned from rock climbing, and how this seemingly unrelated activity has made me braver, more confident, and more comfortable in my own skin, both on the wall and on the page.

The Climb to the Page

Climbing isn’t just about physical strength; it’s a mental game too. You need to plan your route, strategize each move, and be prepared to push your limits. It’s similar to writing, where you must outline your ideas, carefully craft your sentences, and be willing to revise and refine your work.

Remember that time I was facing a daunting overhang? I felt intimidated, but I broke it down into smaller, more manageable steps. I practiced the moves on easier sections first and gradually worked my way up to the challenging part. It was the same with a recent article about time management for moms — I initially felt overwhelmed, but I started with a simple outline and focused on writing one section at a time. Small wins build confidence, and that’s the key. The climbing wall became my training ground for overcoming mental blocks in my writing, preparing me for the next big challenge.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

The Mental Muscle

Mental toughness is the unsung hero, both in climbing and writing. It’s that inner voice, the one that whispers, “You can do this!” even when your muscles cry out for relief, or when your fingers hesitate over the keyboard, trapped by self-doubt.

Do you remember that time I was tackling a route with a series of tricky overhangs? My brain screamed, “This is impossible! Turn back!” But I kept reminding myself, “One move at a time. You’ve got this.” This same approach works for writing. Those dreaded writer’s blocks? I’ve learned to welcome them, to treat them like challenging moves I need to conquer. Over time, I’ve developed a positive self-talk strategy, replacing those negative whispers with encouraging affirmations like, “I have something important to say. I just need to find the right words.” It’s incredible how a little mental pep talk can change your perspective and push you forward, whether you’re scaling a rock face or facing a blank page.

Resilience is Key

Remember how I mentioned those times I’d get stuck on a particularly tricky move? Those moments of frustration feel remarkably similar to writer’s block. You hit a wall, and the urge to give up can be overwhelming. But then, that’s where the magic of resilience kicks in.

I’ve learned to embrace those moments of doubt, those moments where I feel like I’m hitting a brick wall. I take a deep breath, step back, and look at the problem from a fresh perspective. Perhaps I try a different route, a different approach, or even just take a break to clear my head. You see, in climbing, falling is part of the process. But you get back up, you try again, and you learn from your mistakes. These lessons have transcended the climbing gym and found their way into my writing as well. It’s all about learning from setbacks, adapting to the challenges you face, and pushing forward with unwavering determination. It’s about developing that mental toughness that helps you weather any storm, whether you’re scaling a cliff face or facing a blank page. They say that failure is just a stepping stone to success, and I’ve found that to be undeniably true in both rock climbing and writing. Those challenges, those moments of doubt, those near-falls, they all teach you something valuable. They build your resilience, your confidence, and your ability to bounce back from anything. And that’s a skill that’s invaluable, not just in these two activities, but in life itself.

Photo by Rafael Zamora on Unsplash

Overcoming the Wall, One Word at a Time

Writer’s block is a real struggle, I know. It can feel like hitting an impossible move on a challenging climb. But I’ve learned to embrace a climber’s mindset when I encounter writing roadblocks. Visualizing success is key. Imagine yourself finishing that article, crafting the perfect sentence, or achieving that satisfying ending. It’s like seeing the summit of a climb and letting that vision fuel your determination.

When I get stuck, I take a step back, clear my head, and return with renewed perspective. It’s like discovering a new route on a cliff face, finding a fresh angle on the problem. Don’t be afraid to seek feedback, either. Just as a climbing partner offers support, a critique or a second opinion can illuminate your work in a new way. Celebrating those small victories — conquering a difficult paragraph, finding the perfect word, completing a draft — is essential. It’s like reaching a ledge on a climb, a moment of accomplishment that propels you forward. It’s truly remarkable how a shift in mindset can transform your experience, both on the mountain and on the page.

From Wall to Words: The Takeaway

Conquering a tough climb is like overcoming writer’s block — it’s amazing how similar they are! You face your fears, break down the challenge, and discover your inner strength.

Just like me, you might find these unexpected connections make you a better writer, a stronger person, and a more confident individual. Have you ever learned something unexpected from one of your hobbies? Share your story in the comments, I’d love to hear about it! If you enjoyed this journey from rock climbing to the written word, give it a follow so you don’t miss out on future stories like this one!



Amy Barlowe
Readers Hope

Joyful mom of three, loving wife, productivity guru, and mindset writer. Embracing life's adventures!