Getting Into Reading More and How to Read Your Way

Let’s Bring the Fun Back To Reading

Isioma Ononye
Readers Hope
5 min readApr 22, 2024


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

I get lost in books. A wonderful story that takes me to a different time and location and the characters’ experiences are what always fascinate me.

I get moved by books. A brand new memoir where I get to learn about the lives of others. Their past from childhood to adulthood inspires me.

I get informed by books. Yes, I never tire of that self-help genre where I get to learn about how to better myself and my life. To take on someone else’s knowledge as a lesson for my journey.

For this year’s World Book Day, the theme is about how to read your way as a source of joy and inspiration, and if you haven’t gotten into reading, here is how to do so.

1. Find Your Genre of Books & Then Enjoy It

To get into reading more, you must find your genre of books.

Some people have never read more than beyond their educational pursuits so once they find themselves out of the classroom, they don’t ever decide to pick up a book anymore but that’s a mistake you shouldn’t make.

To find your genre of books, you need to know what sort of things you like. What interests you about a story?

Some love fiction and they like to dive deep into a new novel; be it romance, suspense or crime.

Others like myself enjoy non-fiction and learning about the lives of others.

You need to know what you enjoy reading. That way, it doesn’t feel like you are forced to read but you are reading because it’s something you enjoy.

2. Read in The Format that is Most Fun and Accessible to You

Another way to get into reading your way is for you to read in the format that is most fun and accessible to you.

I love to hold books and flip through the pages. I also love to carry a Post-it note and pen with me to take note of what I find most interesting about the book. Maybe it’s the words that touch my heart or the way a sentence flows that intrigues me.

For myself, I will always value having that paper-back or hardcover that I can’t trade for anything else.

For yourself, it could be different. You might not like to hold books nor be the person to stack books one on top of the other.

Also, you might not be the type of person who’d want to pay for the paperback because it could be too expensive for you and that’s okay. The Kindle could be more of what you prefer but if it’s stressful for you to consider reading after a long day, then audiobooks might be more your flow.

A great way for you to get into reading more is to read in the format that is most fun and accessible to you.

3. Find the Environments that Make You Happy to Make Reading Fun

To read your way, you’ve also got to know the best environment for you to read in.

I enjoy reading in the park because nature makes me happy and fills me with peace.

Also, reading in a bookstore invigorates me because then I get to be amongst other books which provides a sort of haven for me.

To find the right environment for you to read in, consider the spaces that make you happy.

It doesn’t even have to be outside or somewhere far away, your room could be a cosy spot for you to read in as long as you feel comfortable and you’re not too distracted by things around you.

4. Use Social Media and Apps as a Way to Read More

We live in such a digital society and some may argue it has taken away the pleasure of reading. That no one wants to read anymore because of social media.

Yet, social media can be a way for you to read more and it all depends on how you use it.

Through social media, you can follow writers, authors or simply book lovers. Take note of their recommendations and what they share to encourage you in your reading journey.

Some social media platforms where writers are prominent on are Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

While there, make use of it to read more and enjoy the posts of those on your feed.

Also, utilize apps as a way to read more.

As a Christian, I like to read my Bible as a way to better understand the word of God, and apps such as the Bible App have helped me to read my Bible more.

Therefore, you can make use of apps that could make you want to read more.

5. Get Into a Reading and a Writing Community that Suits You

Last but not least, another way to get into reading more you way is to get into a reading and writing community that suits you.

You can get into a reading community through book clubs and the book club could be based on a genre of reading that you enjoy.

Also, you can be part of writing communities to help improve your writing and communities that suggest books for you as a result.

When you can join reading and writing communities, it enables you to enjoy reading more because you are amongst like-minded people.

In addition, there’s also taking up learning through courses either online or in-person where you are required to read for the learning purpose.

Final Thoughts

There’s so much that a book can do for you.

A book can be a way to escape or to relax.

A book can be a way to be informed or to be inspired.

A book can even be a way for you to learn more about yourself.

We can’t underestimate the impact that a book can have on us because it can influence our lives in such a significant way.

Therefore, when considering how to get into reading more in a way that you enjoy, consider what the best things about books and reading are.

Then, find the formats that are the most fun for you to read on.

After, get in the right environment and community that fosters reading and then my good fellow, read on.



Isioma Ononye
Readers Hope

I write about self-esteem, faith, mental health, women’s issues, social media & 🎥TV + Movie Reviews. 🗞️Newsletter: