Rewriting History

Hitler’s Plans for the World if He Won: Uncovering the Terrifying Truth

Explore Hitler’s grand visions for a global Third Reich and uncover the terrifying truth of what the world could have become under Nazi rule.

Tyler Lubben BBA
Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2024


Photo by Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

Adolf Hitler’s Vision for a Global Third Reich

Adolf Hitler, one of history’s most infamous dictators, had grand visions for the world if he had emerged victorious during World War II. In this article, we will delve into the depths of Hitler’s plans, offering a glimpse into the potential future that could have unfolded.

Ambitions Beyond Germany

Hitler’s ambitions extended far beyond the borders of Germany. Conquering Europe was just the beginning of his megalomaniacal dreams. His ultimate goal was the establishment of a global Third Reich, with the supremacy of the Aryan race at its core.

One of Hitler’s Primary Intentions: Subjugation and Extermination

Hitler’s primary intention was to subjugate and exterminate those he deemed racially inferior. His twisted ideology propagated the notion of a master race, using ethnic cleansing as a means to achieve racial purity. The Holocaust, a horrific genocide targeting millions of Jews and other minority groups, was just a glimpse of the atrocities Hitler planned to unleash upon the world. Imagine a nightmarish reality where racial superiority determined one’s fate, and those who did not meet Hitler’s criteria faced unspeakable horrors.

Expanding Hitler’s Dominance: A Vision for the Americas

Expanding his dominance beyond Europe, Hitler set his sights on the Americas. His vision encompassed a continent under his control, where he would impose his fascist regime on a population that had once prided itself on democratic values. The United States and South America were to be subjected to Hitler’s iron fist, with their rich resources serving his ambitions of global supremacy.

Hitler’s Plan to Destabilize Britain’s Empire

Furthermore, Hitler aimed to undermine Britain’s control over its extensive empire. He employed complex political strategies and strategic military campaigns to dismantle the British Empire, ultimately reducing the once-powerful nation to ruins. By weakening Britain, Hitler sought to strengthen his grip on Europe and the rest of the world, ensuring his totalitarian rule remained unchallenged.

Imagine a world where Hitler’s domination extended beyond Europe and encompassed the vast expanse of Asia. His expansionist policies aimed to bring the entire Asian continent under German control. Countries such as China, India, and Japan would have fallen under the oppressive regime of Hitler, resulting in the erasure of their unique cultures and traditions in favor of a homogenized Aryan supremacy.

Thankfully, Hitler’s sinister plans were thwarted by the combined forces of the Allied powers. The bravery and sacrifice of millions of individuals ensured that his megalomaniacal vision would never become a reality.

Photo by Darshan Gajara on Unsplash

Reflecting on History: The Importance of Remembering

As we reflect on history, it is crucial to remember the horrors that might have been. Understanding Hitler’s plans for global domination allows us to appreciate the significance of democracy, diversity, and the resilience of the human spirit in the face of tyranny.

While the world was spared from Hitler’s nightmarish regime, his legacy serves as a chilling reminder of the consequences of unchecked power and the importance of remaining vigilant against the forces of hatred and oppression.

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Tyler Lubben BBA
Readers Hope

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.