How to Become an Unstoppable Achiever With 5X Reading Speed

Be humble. Persevere, read more. Toughen up.

Kiran Hetansh Khannas
Readers Hope
6 min readOct 22, 2022


Image by Thought Catalog from Pixabay

You need to learn new habits and skills for results, transformation, and change in your life. Imagine you read 1 book in a month and transform yourself to reading 5 books in a month and 60 in a year.

Imagine the transformation and results if you could read 5 books at the same time that you read only one book.

I want you to become unstoppable and achieve 5X reading speed.

This story will help you in two ways –

· Build your Reading Habit

· Improve your reading speed up to 5X faster


Dutch saying goes well here, “We are too soon old, too late smart” — When you read a book or blog or stories of others, you read the 20–40 years of the experience (depending on the age of the writer).

Steve Jobs said, “I do not want to be the richest man in the graveyard.”

So, now DO today and bring this positive change-my writers friends.

As Picasso said, “Good Artists Copy, but Eminent Artists Steal.”

To create content, look for 10X times as successful people in the niche you are working. Look for the 33% rule of finding people from whom you can learn new skills and make them a mentor.

Start following great mentors in the Medium. It is the smartest way and read stories at 5X speed. Look for what is important.

If you want to earn 1 million, you need to see the footsteps of what 10 Million earners have done with life.

Books are the hidden treasure.

Stop seeing a book as a one-time event; treat it as your friend, and you return to this friend repeatedly. Remember, most books have one or two take away hidden inside, and you need to learn the art of extracting these from the table of content and the art of skimming through.

You should read at least one book a week. Everyone wants a good life but is unwilling to read enough to know how to get this kind of life. Toughen yourself and read through. Medium is a good repository, but ask yourself how many stories you read per day — max 10–15, why not 100?

One hundred new ideas are coming your way. Think of stories as new ideas and start craving them every day.

Speed reading is not a superpower that very few can have. It is a skill you can learn. Now the question is how. First, you need an open mindset. There is no such thing as a poor reader but an unpleasant habit. All you want to know what is holding you back from gaining your reading speed, you can work on it. That will make it a lot easier to make it happen. The problem is information overload. Avoid unnecessary social media Facebook post-reading.

Image by Katrina_S from Pixabay

Proven 8 Techniques For 5X Speed

1) Select the right books — choose the book you love and the writers that match your taste. Look for the areas you want to learn. Liking is very important. The shift from a book, you are not interested.

2) Use a Visual Pacer — Bookmarker, Pen, or your finger. Improves your concentration and focus.

3) Read when you are most alert and active — We often read books as secondary and use them to travel or go to bed or when we are not active. This habit changed immediately. Take Action.

4) Avoid the below 3 bad habits

Bad Habit 1 — Sub-vocalization

It is a little voice in your head; you are used to doing while you read or move your lips. When we are young, we have been told to read aloud, and as we progress, we switch to reading in our head. The average talking speed is 200–250 WPM. So, your reading speed will be close to it.

The average reader can read as fast as they talk. If we want to read faster, we need to see the word as supposed to hear them. For example, if you see the sign STOP, you don’t read aloud since you know the meaning. So now we can stop some vocalization by instructing the brain using small destruction.

Why does the coffee shop apt for reading? Is it because of the optimum environment with a mix of destruction and focus? It helps your brain not to wander.

Bad Habit 2 — Regression

Avoid going backward and adopt reading in a flow. It is the reason you should read in the active/alert state. It is where we are at the end of the page, and you go back to the top to read again. It also goes back to pages or sentences. We try hard to get all the information inside our brains without filtering what is important. It is not because of a lack of information but because of concentration. You can improve your concentration by becoming an active reader. When our brains wander, we become passive. The way to help with, use your bookmarker glide to instruct your mind not to go back.

Bad Habit 3 — Fixation

Image by Myriam’s-Fotos from Pixabay

Too many fixations on a page. An untrained reader uses 10 to 15 fixations per line as their eyes bounce from word to word. Use a pacemaker to speed up your speed. Often we do not know how slow we are reading unless we do a reality check. See at the end a simple technique to measure your speed. To avoid this, learn the bouncing technique, divide your page into 3 columns (see illustrations above), and read the middle word of each column using peripheral vision.

Speed reading is the superpower, with control, and you know when to stop and turn this on. Avg reader finishes a book in a month, but by turning this superpower ON, you can do this in one day.

5. Make Notes — The goal is not to read faster but also to comprehend and keep important notes. Making notes is a good way to do this.

6. Plan to teach someone you are learning — This changes your perspective. Try to summarize to your near one while having lunch or dinner together.

7. Take a quick break of 2–5 mins after 30 mins reading — 3 things to do in the break- Deep Breathing, Hydrate, and Move. It will reset you and re-charge.

8. Final Ultimate Things

1. Front and Back Cover — This will give you good content about the book

2. Table Of Content — Use 80/20 read. Distinguish what is important to you.

3. Use skimming technique — Spending a second per page looking out the topics that interest you and building curiosity.

4. Scanning — Now, take 30 seconds per topic and use the keyword you want that is of your interest. It will make you familiar with the content.

5. Speed Reading- Using the pacer technique.

By this technique, your comprehension is much higher since you know what is coming up using the 1 to 4 technique.

Four steps to calculate your reading speed?

1) Set a 2 min timer and read for 2 mins.

2) Count the number of lines you have read and divide by 2. It is your lines per minute.

3) Count the number of words in the first four lines. Divide it by 4. It is words per line.

4) Lines per minute * Words Per line = Words Per Minute.

If your current spend is 250 WPM, check your speed after adopting the above technique; it should reach 5X times with practice.

In Conclusion

Be humble. Persevere; read more. Toughen up.

