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How to get into a product-based company/Startup as a fresher.

Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2022


I was there and I know how bad it feels when all your friends are getting placed with higher packages and you are still applying with some Mass recruiter offers in hand.

Follow these 5 steps to get placed in a product-based company/startup as a fresher.

1. Master any one programming language.

Learn any one programming language and you should master it as you remember the most frequently used syntaxes.

Choose any of the high-level programming languages like Java or Python and learn the ins and out’s of the language.

2.Practice DSA

Most of the product-based companies will have a DSA round wherein you’ll be given some questions to solve on any of the platforms like Hackerrank or HackerEarth or some companies will have their own programming platforms.

Learn popular Datastructures and algorithms and try to implement them in your choice of programming language and start practicing problems on platforms like Geeksforgeeks/Hackerrank/LeetCode/HackerEarth.

Be consistent with this practice and don’t give up even if you are not able to solve at least a single problem.

With practice, you’ll become better at this.

3. Build Projects and a Strong portfolio.

Once you know a language and you become proficient in solving problems using it, start building some projects for your resume.

Don’t build most frequent projects like Online examination portals, attendance management,tic-tac-toe games, and all.

Take a real problem and try to provide a solution for it. Even if you are building something which already exists try to give your own personal tweak to that project.

Projects are very very crucial during your interviews and if you’ve built one you can easily talk about that in your interview and get more attention.

Host every project you build on platforms like DigitalOcean, Netlify, Vercel, and AWS. All of these services are free and won’t cost you anything.AWS will charge you after your free trial ends. Be aware of it.

After building a decent amount of projects build a portfolio website that acts as a digital resume and mentions all of your projects and achievements with live URLs.

Push all your code to GitHub and share those links in your resume and portfolio as well.

This will boost your chances of getting placed at any company.

4. Network, Network, Network

You’ll never come to know the importance of a great network of people, so start building a good network by posting your skills, projects on LinkedIn and share your resume and portfolio with the recruiters on Linkedin and ask them to consider your profile for any of the open positions at their organizations.

Most people on LinkedIn are kind enough to read your messages and they’ll definitely help you.

Have a strong online presence.

5. Apply for jobs

Once you’ve everything ready start applying for the vacant positions. You can go to company careers pages and drop your resumes or Send a connection request to HR on LinkedIn and ask them if they can refer you.

Don’t just send Hi on LinkedIn and wait for the other person to respond Explain your need and even send them your resume and if you’ve already checked for any of the open positions in the company which that person is working for, share the JOB ID as well and ask him to refer.

You can even cold e-mail the HRs.It’s like pitching yourself for the organization and checking whether you fit in any position.


Learn a programming language and start Practicing DSA. Build some unique projects and them in your portfolio and start applying for jobs.

There are no shortcuts to success, so keep working.

