How to speed-read comfortably

This is how Alex Hormozi reads.

Hemant arora
Readers Hope
2 min readOct 27, 2023


Image by author

When I first came across speed reading I thought it would be the answer to all my problems.

But sadly it wasn’t.

I tried the common methods such as not moving my eyes, only reading the middle part of the sentence and stopping reading aloud the words in my mind. None of it really worked and made reading a worse experience for me.

After a few years, after I had forgotten about it I discovered a way on my own that worked for me. It still isn’t the solution to all my problems but it helps me read more books I like.

This is how you do it.

You need to have the audiobook version and the physical/kindle edition of the book you want to read. This can get really expensive so I recommend Libby. You can borrow audiobooks from your library on this app.

What you have to do is keep the speed of the audiobook playback just a little above the speed you are comfortable with and read along in the book. This way the information is going in your brain 2 ways and your comprehension will increase.

I use this for both fiction and non-fiction. There are a lot of times when I like the book but there are some parts or sections that are not that interesting to me. That’s when I will increase the speed even more.

I usually have it set at 2 or 2.1.

I also recently discovered that Alex Hormozi reads the same way, he mentioned this as a pro-tip in his book 100 Million Offers.

Give this a try and let me know how it goes for you.

