Humans of 2022 — big bang for evolution

Lakshmi Shree
Readers Hope
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2022

In the past 2 years , humanity as a whole have sailed through a major calamity. Its fair to say that its the biggest of its kind since the pandemic has been widespread and affected all the 192 countries in one way or another. However looking at this grave situation with a positive light , I can boldly state that this pandemic has been a Big Bang and upgraded the human lifestyle in many ways. In other words, humans have evolved further and these changes are irreversible. The main trigger for this evolution is that the virus has changed the way we live and work.

It has disrupted every step of our mundane daily routine and replaced it with a new one which allows us to sustain this pandemic. This evolution where in humans emerge stronger mentally and physically can indeed be considered as a socio-economic revolution.

Credits: Unsplash

In short, the humans of 2022 can be demystified as follows:

  • Prioritized health and fitness mindset(health takes precedence over everything)
  • Enhanced cooperation to resolve the global crisis/problems in general
  • Increased adaptability to foster better work-life balance
  • Openness to life changing innovations such as remote work, telemedicine, distance learning fintech innovations etc
  • Political and financial system adaptability mindset to suit the situation

