If I Won a Million Dollars

Fulfilling Dreams Beyond the Lottery

Darshana Menon
Readers Hope
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

With each lottery ticket I purchase, a familiar daydream resurfaces. It’s a vision that has found its way into every journal I’ve kept — a million-dollar fantasy that dances in my mind every time I imagine what I would do if I won big. While the chances may be slim, the possibilities are endless, and here’s how I would choose to shape them.

First and foremost, my heart tells me to give back. If fortune were to smile upon me, I would allocate 10% of my winnings to charity. My focus would be on supporting organizations that champion the needs of children and the elderly, individuals who often find themselves without the means to help themselves. To bring a glimmer of hope and comfort to those who need it most would be an invaluable use of my newfound wealth.

Next on my list of dreams to fulfill is something more personal — a lifelong aspiration to own a home. Picture it: a grand 5-bedroom house, complete with a beautiful swimming pool and elegant interiors, a garden with some home grown vegetables and herbs. It’s not just about the bricks and mortar; it’s about planting roots and creating a sanctuary to call my own — a place where memories are made and cherished for years to come.

Education is paramount in securing a brighter future, so I would set aside a portion of my winnings for my children’s college funds. Providing them with the gift of education would be an investment in their success. Money should not be barrier to achieving ones dreams. They should have an option to study anything that they wish.

Venturing into the realm of entrepreneurship, I would seize the opportunity to invest in two or three promising businesses, most probably owned by women. By supporting innovation and enterprise, I hope to not only secure my financial future but also contribute to the growth and prosperity of others.

Yet, amidst the practicalities and aspirations, there lies a whimsical desire — to sprinkle a bit of magic into the lives of others. It’s a notion that has captured my imagination time and time again — to browse platforms like GoFundMe and fulfill random wishes. From sending a family to Disneyland to granting a dream vacation, the joy of making someone’s wish come true would be an experience beyond compare.

Of course, indulgence has its place too. With my newfound wealth, I would treat myself to not one, but two cars — one for everyday practicality and one for pure pleasure. And what better way to celebrate than with a grand family adventure — a tour of Europe, exploring new cultures and creating memories to last a lifetime.

In the end, while the allure of winning the lottery may be enticing, the true richness lies in the opportunity to make a meaningful difference — to touch lives, pursue dreams, and spread joy far beyond the confines of wealth. So, as I purchase yet another lottery ticket, I do so with a heart full of hope and a mind brimming with possibility, knowing that regardless of the outcome, the dreams I cherish will continue to guide me on my journey.

