Lessons Learned From Late Night Sessions: Supporting Young Adults’ Mental Health Journey

During the pandemic, I had conversations with more than 100 young adults under the age of 25.

Andrea Otto-Davidson
Readers Hope
2 min readMay 18, 2023


Photo by Gery Wibowo on Unsplash

My sessions were always from late evening until midnight. That was the time my kids were in bed, my husband kept an eye and ear out and I could focus on the chat without being interrupted.

I remember one conversation started with “I don’t know how to start. I never told anyone about this before”. During the chat that lasted over 1 hour, this person shared the most emotional and personal challenges with me. We used calming exercises and coaching techniques that I had learned during my training with the Mental Health Organisation called The Mix.

And I have learned from every single one of these conversations. Some of them were short, some were long, and some included calling emergency services.

Here are a few things that I learned during this time and, since then, use as a reminder for myself.

  • Don’t be afraid to show vulnerability
  • Don’t be afraid to make mistakes
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for support

And focus on:

  • Keep learning new things
  • Find ways to bounce back
  • Take care of your body
  • Connect with people
  • Live life mindfully
  • Do kind things for others
  • Have goals to look forward to

Some of these are also part of the 10 keys to happier living from Action for Happiness.

Perhaps they can help you, a friend, or colleagues during difficult times and conversations.

The chat with the 23-year-old concluded with the words, “Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to me. I feel much better and more relaxed. And I feel I can take the next step now. I will definitely contact one of the professionals tomorrow. ”



Andrea Otto-Davidson
Readers Hope

Member | Mentor | Moderator | Mother and More. Here for collaboration, curiosity and creation. Let’s connect.