Life Has a Way of Trapping You

Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readJun 18, 2024
created by Dall-E

As an old man reflecting on the path I’ve travelled, I hope some of my experiences can offer guidance to younger individuals navigating their own journeys.

I bought my first house with my sister, thinking it was a smart way to get on the property ladder. We both had partners and eventually, my sister’s boyfriend moved in so they could save for a house of their own. A year later, they were ready to move out and buy their place. I, however, was not in the same position. I was in a relationship, but couldn’t afford the mortgage on my own. So, my girlfriend moved in, and we got a mortgage together. Sadly, she wasn’t the right one for me, but now we were financially bound, and my life was following a path I hadn’t entirely chosen.

Marriage soon became a recurring topic. Already feeling trapped, I felt pressured into getting married. It was difficult to come up with reasons against marriage without causing pain. I think I loved her, but I wasn’t in love with her — we need a new word for that kind of love.

Then we had two boys, the true highlights of my life. They remain one of the best parts of this story. Despite my deep love for them, my feelings for my wife were not as strong. She must have sensed this because she persuaded me to move to be near her family, away from my hometown.

Within two years, she had an affair with one of my boys’ gym instructors. Discovering this was oddly liberating; it provided an escape clause. I took it without hesitation. Surprisingly, my wife expected me to fight for her, but I felt no anger — just relief. If there was any love between us, this had long faded.

The overwhelming feeling of being trapped by the path I was on suddenly lifted. The mortgage that seemed inescapable, the shared finances, the two kids, living away from my hometown — all of it resolved quickly and without the complications I had anticipated. The only real hardship was leaving my children. I won’t lie; this caused many nights of tears. However, there was a silver lining. I had them every other weekend and cherished our time together, filled with fun activities and undivided attention. It was quality time that I might not have prioritized if we were living together, reminiscent of the song “Cats in the Cradle” (I prefer the Cat Stevens version).

In retrospect, apart from the joy of raising my children, it felt like I had wasted ten years of my life. However, life has a way of surprising us. I eventually found my true love and remarried. Now, I am blessed with adorable grandchildren as well. These experiences have taught me that even when life takes unexpected and challenging turns, there can still be happiness and fulfillment waiting down the road.

Sometimes, I wonder if it was all my fault. Did my decisions hold my ex-wife back? Perhaps they did, to some extent. We were both trapped in a relationship that wasn’t fulfilling, and our inability to find the right path together led to pain and mistakes. It’s easy to question and analyze past decisions, but I’ve learned that blaming oneself entirely for what went wrong doesn’t change the past. What matters is how we grow from those experiences and strive to make better choices moving forward.

In the end, life’s unexpected turns led me to appreciate the moments of genuine connection with my children and the joy of finding true love. Despite the difficult journey, these experiences shaped me and offered invaluable lessons about love, choice, and the paths we tread.



Readers Hope

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