Looking at the World

A Different Perspective

Tanveer Tila
Readers Hope
2 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo by Shapelined on Unsplash

As I was back home from my office today, lost in thought as I walked, I noticed a man sitting alone on a bench, staring into space. He looked lost in thought, and I couldn’t help but wonder what his story was.

As I approached him, he looked up and caught my eye. I smiled and asked how his day was going. He hesitated at first but then began to open up. I asked his permission to upload this on Medium and he allowed me to do so. He told me about how he had lost his job, his home and his family all in the same year. He felt like he had hit rock bottom, and didn’t know how to get back up.

I listened attentively, trying to offer words of encouragement. But what struck me most was when he said, ‘I feel like I’ve lost my place in society. I’m invisible.’

It hit me hard because I realized that we’ve all felt like that at some point or another. We’ve all felt like we don’t belong like we’re just a small cog in a big machine.

But as I looked around, I saw people from all walks of life — different ages, races, and backgrounds. And in that moment, I realized that we are all in this together. We are all struggling, we are all searching for connection and purpose.

And that’s when it hit me — we don’t have to be invisible. We can choose to see each other, to hear each other’s stories, and to support each other through the tough times.

So, I sat down with the man and we talked for a while longer. I learned about his hopes and dreams, his fears and struggles. And as we parted ways, I felt a sense of connection that I’ll never forget.

We may feel like a small part of a big world, but our stories matter.

Our voices matter.

When we choose to see each other, to hear each other, and to support each other — that’s when the magic happens.



Tanveer Tila
Readers Hope

A Professional English literature graduate crafting emotive narratives. I'm here to pen down my feelings and thoughts. Let's connect thorugh storytelling.