Love & Fear

J.L. Michael
Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2022


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I used to think that fear is in opposition to love. I have realized that it cannot be true as opposed to love does not exist. Love is all there is.

If you agree with me that everything is energy then love would be that Energy, The Source. Everything else that is not love comes from love or feels like a separation from love.

We came here to experience the feeling of separation from the source. Coming back home is to realize that separation from love is just an illusion because everything that is not love is an illusion.

Fear is an illusion yet so many believe it is real. Fear is a consequence of following a negative thought process. Most of us fall into a pattern of making negative predictions, letting fear stop us from taking action, and keeping us trapped in limitations.

The world we are living in is designed to constantly generate the vibration of fear. That is done purposely because fear is the most effective tool of control.

There is no way to control those who fear nothing.

All core institution of the so-called Matrix built their power and wealth by generating fear in order to control us. All media, insurance companies, health care systems, pharmaceutical companies, religious institutions, politics, and so on. But it is not just that.

