Make Writing Your Unstoppable Habit with These 7 Secret Habits

Zahoor Ali
Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2024
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


Not only is writing a talent, but it’s a habit that may change your life. Speaking clearly is incredibly important in a society where communication and information flow nonstop. We’ll explore seven hidden routines in this post that can help you write on a daily basis in an unstoppable way.

Habit 1: Make Specific Goals

The first step to developing writing as a habit is to set specific goals. Whether your goal is to finish a book, write a blog post every day, or create interesting content for social media, decide what your objectives are. Using the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound), divide these objectives into doable activities.

Habit 2: Create a Writing Schedule

Forming any habit requires consistency, and writing is no different. Make time for writing every day. Set aside a certain period of time every day to write. Establishing a writing routine can help your brain recognize when to concentrate on the current work. Locate a peaceful, cozy space that encourages creativity.

Habit 3: Accept Freewriting

Getting beyond writer’s block is a frequent problem. Take up the habit of freewriting to let your imagination run wild. Allocate a specific time to write without any restrictions or framework. Allow your ideas to come to you on paper or the screen. The concepts and realizations that come to light during this unrestrained process will astonish you.

Habit 4: Read a lot of books

Writing and reading are closely related. Increase the variety of books you read to expose oneself to a range of viewpoints, genres, and styles. Take ideas from other places and notice how well-written phrases are put together by talented writers. Reading a lot of books expands your vocabulary and gives you plenty of inspiration for your writing.

Habit 5: Engage in Mindfulness

Writing with mindfulness can greatly enhance your work. Practice mindful writing strategies to help you focus and declutter your mind, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation. Make a connection with your feelings and experiences to bring genuineness to your writing. Writing mindfully helps you stay present during the creative process and produces better work overall.

Habit 6: Request Input

Never be afraid to ask for feedback. For improvement, constructive criticism is an invaluable tool. Participate in writing forums or show your work to dependable friends and coworkers. Seize the chance to improve your abilities based on other people’s observations. Successful authors are always trying to get better.

Habit 7: Honor minor victories

Celebrate each little victory you have as a writer. Reaching a word count goal, finishing a chapter, or getting encouraging feedback are all achievements to be proud of. Acknowledging these successes encourages you to keep writing and creates a positive outlook on the habit.

In summary

In conclusion, you can develop the habit of writing consistently. You may turn writing from a chore into a rewarding habit by defining clear objectives, creating a schedule, accepting freewriting, reading a lot, engaging in mindfulness exercises, getting feedback, and acknowledging tiny victories. Develop these practices, and you’ll see a growth in your writing.



Zahoor Ali
Readers Hope

| Content Creator | Article Writer | TikToker | Video Editor | Foodie | Social Worker | Social Media Activist | Optimist | MS Social Work from UK.