My Bold Steps as a Writer

Sara Irshad
Readers Hope
Published in
7 min readAug 31, 2023

Let me share some of my outings, jolts, and gems from my walk — or sprint and stumble — down that path.

Much like yourself, I was filled with excitement and trepidation, genuine enthusiasm coupled with a touch of uncertainty, as I embarked on this journey.

The initial steps were painted with dreams of weaving captivating narratives that whisked readers away to uncharted realms or constructing sentences so powerful they’d evoke tears.

Yet, that blank page stood before me, seemingly taunting, resembling a locked door to which I didn’t possess the key.

After a while, I started to realize that making those kinds of dreams happen might take some real courage, dedication, and a heck of a lot of stubborn stick-to-it-iveness.

I completely understand if starting the writer’s journey makes you feel anxious or afraid. When I first started out, I encountered a variety of dragons and barriers that I had never anticipated. There were also undoubtedly some kinks and ridges on the route.

But guess what? Confronted with these challenges, I experienced a growth as a writer that I had never anticipated.

So don’t worry; what matters most are the lessons you pick up along the journey, even from blunders. If I can be your guide on this voyage, please let me.

The tiny shortcuts I’ve learned can act as a road map for you as you seek out your own way. Just remember that the path ahead is yours to take, dragons and potholes included!

The Sticky Start

We’ve all been there — staring at a blank page like some abyss that might swallow us whole. In my early days, this emptiness was more intimidating than a dragon guarding a treasure. I’d sit there, all suited up like a knight with a pen for a sword, just hesitating.

Challenge: The Blank Page Syndrome

The initial challenge emerged as that formidable blank page, a formidable adversary for every writer. It loomed before me, akin to a mirror echoing my uncertainties.

The possibility of future rejection letters materializes, accompanied by the imagined sound of critiques from those close to me. Questions about my abilities arose — maybe I lacked the necessary qualities. A storm of self-doubt churned within, much like a hurricane’s intensity.

Confronting this metaphorical dragon became imperative, yet the strategy remained elusive.

Tip: Write — Anything!

The turning point arrived when I resolved to confront the formidable challenge directly. I began to jot down anything that came to mind — be it ideas, ramblings, or even grocery lists — essentially anything to disrupt the purity of that pristine white canvas.

This action bore an essence of rebellion, much like the audacity of splattering paint across the surface of a treasured artwork within the hallowed halls of a museum.

However, mixed with this audacious defiance came an unexplainable sense of excitement.

I etched fleeting thoughts during stolen moments between daily tasks, composed snippets of verse on napkins, and transcribed the lyrical melodies that resonated within.

The sensation was akin to the exhilaration of jumping into a puddle; you have to take that initial plunge.

Over weeks and months, my fear of starting evaporated. I realized the blank page was an opportunity, not a death sentence. Even perceived mistakes became springboards; for example, one weird line might spur a story.

You could say my pen slayed the dragon, and I was finally free to enter the treasure cave of creativity.

Plot Holes and How to Fill Them

Now, imagine you’re building a sandcastle. You meticulously place towers here and walls there, only to realize you forgot the drawbridge. That’s a plot hole in the making.

Challenge: The Infamous Plot Hole

Man, plot holes were the quicksand on my path, threatening to swallow stories whole. You’d think you crafted a rock-solid tale, but then a friend or editor would point out glaring inconsistencies.

“Why did your character act so differently now?” “How could she have traveled there so fast?” I wanted to bury my head in the sand.

Tip: Be Your Critic — Then Seek Others

Analyze your tale first. Assume the position of a detective and meticulously look at it for any fissures, similar to a police officer meticulously scouring a crime scene for clues.

Pose challenging inquiries to yourself: Is the timeline coherent? Do the moves of my characters follow a logical development? Once you have fortified your work, invite different astute readers to dissect it similarly, taking advantage of their keen perspectives.

Addressing plot holes corresponds to patching up the gaps in a weathered sandcastle. It calls for time and a collaborative attempt; temporarily, the tale might resemble a patchwork cover.

However, sealing those loopholes fortifies the complete structure against the relentless tides of time.

With exercise, you may grow to be a skilled architect of narratives.

Climbing the Mountain of Rejection

Let’s not mince words: rejection stings like a hive of angry wasps. It feels like you’ve climbed halfway up Everest, only to slip and tumble back to base camp, bruised and demoralized.

Challenge: Navigating of Rejection

Publishers and agents rejected me constantly at first. Their form letter rejections piled up like snowdrifts, each chilling me to the bone. It felt like being endlessly pelted with snowballs while trying to scale a towering mountain.

How could I reach the peak publication with such obstacles in my path?

Tip: Turn Slips into Stepping Stones

In time, I learned to view each rejection as a lesson and a signpost on where to tread next. My pitch was off-target, or my genre needed to be more crowded. With guidance from editors’ feedback, I could reorient my path.

Picture transforming those stumbling blocks into stepping stones that pave the way up the mountain; all at once, the ascent appears more dangerous. Self-doubt persisted as a constant weight, akin to chains that seemed intent on halting my progress.

Yet, I persisted, advancing with wary optimism and a stronger determination with each setback. And then, almost miraculously, I caught sight of the summit drawing near.

Sustaining the Inner Fire

Ah, the notorious writer’s block — the wet blanket threatens to smother your creative fire. It’ll quash you if you let it.

Challenge: Writer’s Block

Writer’s block was the gust of wind trying to extinguish my creative blaze. My mind felt like an empty room — no light, no ideas sparking.

I stared helplessly at the blank page, willing the lightning bolt of inspiration to strike. The harder I tried, the further it evaded me.

Tip: Rekindle with Short Exercises

What worked for me was tackling small writing exercises — haikus, flash fiction, and even silly social media challenges. These were like tiny sparks I could blow on to rekindle my grand bonfire.

I let my mind wander without judgment and played with language like a child playing with blocks. When I stopped taking myself so seriously, the words began to flow again.

Each little success fed my flames bit by bit. Before long, writer’s block’s cold wind stood no match for my burning inspiration.

The Never-Ending Search for Improvement

Writing is like sailing; there’s always a new horizon to chase, a new sea to explore. Stagnation is death to creativity.

Challenge: Skill plateauing

There came a time when I felt ensnared, much like a ship trapped in the doldrums. My stories lost their vibrancy, and my prose lost its spontaneity. I desired to resurrect my craft, but the issue remained: how could I do so?

Tip: Read Widely, Write Relentlessly

My compass out of this stagnation was to toss the anchor and set sail into new waters. I read voraciously — anything I could handle, from classics to pulp fiction. I read books on crafts and went to seminars.

The knowledge filled my sails while writing daily, and I exercised those literary muscles.

Errors and setbacks remained ever-present; my metaphorical ships, once in a while, strayed from their intended route. Nevertheless, I realized that failure functioned as the catalyst for the growth of upcoming opportunities.

Every narrative further fortified my precise literary tone. Within this transformative journey, it dawned on me that finding solace in the voyage held a significance that handed singular fixation at the final goal.

The Final Page

A creative person’s journey would only be possible with obstacles. Ominous water animals and violent storms may test your resolve. However, in the larger scheme of things, the voyage is still in your command, which characterizes its success.

Allow your passion to serve as the guiding North Star, steering your course. When setbacks and disappointment threaten to veer you off course, let them only ignite a fiercer resilience within you.

Revel in the ever-unfolding vistas that writing unveils; not every destination needs to be predetermined.

Most importantly, relish the journey, embracing its peaks and valleys and the seemingly limitless horizons stretching ahead of you. From now on, gradually take a moment to reflect on how far you’ve come.

After all, such rich and gorgeous seas are only available to a select few explorers.

So climb on board, plot your course, and hoist the sails. Pack extra ink because you never know when your pens will run out. However, this expedition promises treasures that are uniquely yours to discover.

Let your emotions serve as your compass as you write with confidence and courage. This trip happens only once in a lifetime.



Sara Irshad
Readers Hope

Writer and content creator, passionate about crafting engaging stories. Helping others succeed in their writing journey with practical advice and creativity.