My Fear of Writing My Thoughts on Paper

Do You Write Your Wild Thoughts?

Jo Granger
Readers Hope
3 min readMay 25, 2024


Photo by Ashlyn Ciara on Unsplash

I have a question for all the writers.

Do you write the way you think?

Do you write your wildest thoughts or are you bound by some invisible force?

Are you afraid of writing your original thoughts without filtering them?

Since I started writing on Medium, I have noticed that I don’t write out my thoughts the way I used to write them in my journal.

Photo by Grianghraf on Unsplash

One of the reasons I can think of is the fear of being judged. Being judged by other people and by my family because they also read my stories.

There are some invisible barriers that I am afraid to cross.

Also, when I read some works of fiction, I seem to judge the writer’s personality. I seem to draw assumptions about the writer’s personality and the thought process behind that story.

That is why I am afraid of writing fiction. I am afraid that people will be able to read my mind and know my thoughts, ideals, and mentality. And then I will be judged.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

I want to know if you feel the same way.

Do you just write whatever is on your mind or do you consider the fact that someone is going to read it?

Another reason is that sometimes we are afraid of our own thoughts. We don’t like to see them written out in the open. We dislike them or maybe they were supposed to be secrets hidden safe and secure in our minds.

On the other hand, I have seen writers that write anything they want with so much courage.

It should be quite easy to write anything sitting behind a screen. Even shy people like me can communicate their thoughts with ease. But the reality is that it takes quite a lot of courage to write.

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Writing is such a powerful tool. When we want to know more about some period of time, let’s say the Victorian era, we look at the literature, the poetry and the art.

Writers and poets have influenced their societies strongly in the past. Poets have even introduced ideologies that formed the basis of massive movements, revolutions, wars, and rebellions.

Having the power of words, the power to share my words with the world seems to be a superpower! This power is not to be underestimated.

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Moreover, it comes with a resposibility. If you and I have been given the ability to craft wonders using words, if we have been given hold of a super power, we also have a huge responsibilty.

What do you think are some of those responsibilities?

Also,Why would a new writer be afraid of writing without censoring anything? What other reasons can you think of?



Jo Granger
Readers Hope

Student | Bibliophile | Potterhead | The Cool Nerd