My First Thrilling In-Person Writer’s Meetup Experience With Like Minded People

The Moment I Realized I Should “Learn To Introduce” Myself Differently.

Readers Hope
6 min readApr 12, 2024


Are you excited to meet like-minded people in your life? You have a lot to share and a lot to learn from them as well.

It is a wonderful experience! Isn’t it?

First time in my life I met fellow writers (In-person) recently. I’ll unpack my experience to you in minutes. It all boils down to understanding why you should explore fresh places and people in your life.

Keep reading…. is an online meetup platform. Recently I found it on Google. I booked for the upcoming week’s writer’s meetup before 5 days.

First Impressions

The organizers scheduled the meetup for Saturday at 11.30 A.M. in a big nature tree park in Bangalore, India. Meet-up day also came. Unfortunately, I did not feel like going to that meetup.

Guess what happened?

I decided to go to the meet-up without giving any excuses. Because when I booked for that event I was so excited to meet fellow writers. After bathing, I regain the enthusiasm and interest.

I’m always curious about “the magic that follows a bath.”

I went to the meetup place around 11.10 A.M. But I couldn’t find any of them in the park.

There’s one What’s Up group for the event. So, I pinged in the community’s What’s Up group. Many of us came to this event for the first time. So, I didn’t have an idea about how I identify them.

Just look at what happened next…

I found a place to wait for others’ arrival. The park was alive with people indulging in their hobbies.

  • Some people were absorbed in books.
  • Others were painting.
  • A few groups of people engaged in various games and activities.

I was enjoying observing people’s activities at the present moment!

Then, I got a call from an unknown number. You guessed it right. It was from the people I was waiting for.

Finally, I found and waved my hands to the three meetup people in that enormous park. We formed a group and sat there.

After a casual talk, we introduced ourselves to each other.

Then we discussed what areas/topics we were interested in writing about. Answered to the question why we (should )write.

Here’s what happened next...

A few more new people joined us. Initially, we were five, then six, then seven, and finally eight people gathered.

Again, we introduced ourselves to newly joined people for 2nd time. Except me, others introduced themselves differently than the first time.

And then it hit me:

The moment I realized I shouldlearn to introduce myself differently. It was good to know your expression and the style you introduced yourself to others.

My first meet-up experience with like-minded writer's | Image by the author

Conversations On Writing Craft

Then we discussed precisely about humour topic (anyway it was that week’s topic). The problem was, I didn’t read much about humour. So, I didn’t have any idea to share about it.

But wait, there’s more. I was carefully listening to them, what they were talking about.

Then we planned to take a short writing exercise about humour topic. I didn’t know what to write.

I was clueless at that moment.

The time was ticking…

I had only 20 minutes to come up with my story for humour. But I didn’t get any ideas to write.

I’ve just put pen to paper and wrote whatever came to my mind. I had an idea in my mind.

Here’s the funny part…

I started somewhere, but it went elsewhere.

Anyway it happens in writing!

If you are feeling bad about your writing, don’t worry. Just read my (humour topic) writing attempt.

You won’t feel bad about your writing anymore. 😂

Image by the author

I ended up writing down a motivational story supposed to write about humour. 😂

Anyway I’m happy for gave a try. Yeah it flapped, but I got the satisfaction of trying it at least.

Then we read out loud what we wrote.

All people were feeling a little shy about reading their work in front of people (you can include me in this list 😁). Though it’s completely normal.

Some of them wrote a good humorous story or conversational dialogues.

After each person’s turn. We engaged in discussions. “To identify the good aspects and areas for improvement or avoidance.”

Thus, we gained a lot of knowledge.

Key Takeaways

I got to know about how others see about writing:

  • What does writing mean to them?
  • Many of them didn’t focus (solely) on making money out of writing.
  • Yet, they are writing.
  • They are obsessed with writing.

Here’s something we can both agree on that writing is uplifting us some way.

Your thoughts are clearer when you write.

“Think of your mind like a river — a never-ending flow of thoughts in your head.”

I was wondering, some of them didn’t publish their writing anywhere. Yet, their writing was good. While others are sharing on social media (Instagram, Facebook) and their websites.

We all shared about why we love writing:

  • One guy said that he’s writing because he wants attention (it’s not bad though!) isn’t it?
  • One person said that he enjoys writing. He feels good when he writes.
  • All of us agreed on one point: we (all) wanted to be heard. We wanted to share our experience with the world. Right?
  • We aim to share our feelings, the lessons we’ve learned, and our thoughts and perspectives on life with others.
  • Few told that they want to make a living by their passion on writing.

Networking and Connections

It’s impressive to connect with like-minded people.

Here’s the bottom line. New networks, experiences broaden our perspectives about what we know or see in the world.

I got some opportunities to share my writing with fellow writers in groups to get feedback. People are giving you honest feedback when you’re with like-minded people.

Personal Insights

  • I learnt that I should introduce myself differently rather than the same style all the time.
  • I learnt (a bit) about what requires writing humorous stuff.
  • I was just introduced to the fiction world in that group.

That incident was my nearly fulfilled day. Because it was the first time, I met like-minded people.

When I lack the motivation to write, I remind myself how people love writing.

Looking forward to exploring new places and fellow writers in the future. I’m happy to share this.

Hope it helps you!

  • Connect with like-minded people to speed up your journey.
  • They’ll help you a lot to learn what you are looking for.

Final Thoughts

“Always seek for new opportunities. New roles. New experiences to go through in life to shape yourself. It’s the fastest way to become a better version of yourself without waiting for years to be there” Kurtis said.

I’m curious to know your experience with like-minded people. Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Thanks again for all of your support! Have fun and keep writing!

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Readers Hope

Writing about copywriting for beginners, writing online and personal development and productivity tips. No fluff. No bull-shit! Straight to the point.