One Day At a Time.

A letter to those who feel they should have already ‘arrived.’

Angelica Mendez
Readers Hope


Photo by grayom on Unsplash

I understand your frustration.

The one that says, ‘I’ve done everything I was supposed to do.’ ‘Why am I not where I should be after all this time and effort?’

I don’t have all the answers, but I have learned this: life is tricky and unpredictable.

I know everything, and everyone else tells you you can plan it all out, but that’s not the case.

You may say, ‘That’s not fair,’ and you’d be right, it’s not, but like I said, life is tricky — sometimes other people get what they want without much effort, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Scratch that. There is something we can do about it. We can wish them the best and continue in our lane.

It’s okay to feel jealous. It’s okay to feel sad or disappointed. Feeling this way is normal.

But here’s the truth: no matter how you feel about someone else’s success (or failure), it won’t contribute anything to you.

You may feel better or worse, but it doesn’t change where you are.

I know this sounds tough. I don’t mean it to come across that way. I want you to know the truth so you don’t focus your energy on the wrong things.



Angelica Mendez
Readers Hope

I'm sharing my journey, struggles, and transformative life lessons as a 28-year-old on my way to accomplishing my purpose in this life. Join me!