Overcoming Performance Anxiety: My Journey Using Three Simple Strategies

Ann Inkwell
Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readSep 9, 2024


When I discovered that Trevor Noah, Lionel Messi, and many others were also living with this anxiety, I resolved to strive to overcome


Performance anxiety had always been a silent saboteur haunting my academic and professional pursuits. From the trepidation of speaking in public to the self-doubt that accompanied my writing articles and striving to learn languages, this invisible barrier held me back for years. But I refused to let it dictate my life. Through a combination of talk therapy, autohypnosis, and intensive rehearsals, I’ve successfully overcome my fears and am unlocking my full potential. Performance anxiety can feel like an insurmountable mountain, looming over you as you prepare for a presentation, a speech, or even a casual conversation. I’ve faced this very challenge, grappling with my language skills, writing abilities, and the daunting task of public speaking.

Can I confess here that I ceased wallowing in my apparent debilitating weaknesses when I discovered that this anxiety is not just for us who live and hide in obscurity? Trevor Noah disclosed at one of his public events his constant struggle with performance anxiety. He further named Lionel Messi as one soccer player who was also living with the same anxiety. It is said that Lionel Messi vomits (triggered by stress) just before coming out to play in a televised match.



Ann Inkwell
Readers Hope

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