Price of Everything & Value of Nothing

Sriram Balasubramanian
Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2021


Source: Author's own / Canva

What a fine morning it is, and I am on my way to work. As usual, I attend to my emails, newsletters, and WhatsApp messages during my transit to work. One of my friends shared a link in WhatsApp about a letter handwritten by Steve Jobs at the Age of 18. It caught my attention, and I bookmarked it to read later during my lunch hours.

I clicked on the link with excitement and curiosity to know what Steve Jobs could have written at his age 18.

Source of the Link: Click Here (

It is about the late Steve Jobs' handwritten letter auctioned by Bonhams in Los Angeles.

The Letter from Steve Jobs was a reply to his childhood friend Tim Brown. The letter starts -

“Tim I have read your letter many times. I do not know what to say.

Many mornings have come and gone. People have come and went.

I have loved and I have cried many times.

Somehow, though, beneath it all it doesn’t change — do you understand?”

The letter seems to reply to Tim, where Steve says that he has read the letter multiple times and looks like he did not understand it. Steve revealed his plans of attending the great Indian Kumbh Mela, and upon his return, they can meet and discuss.



Sriram Balasubramanian
Readers Hope

Building WIBE to enable people to trade stocks to generate consistent cash flow. I enjoy writing on Wealth of all types!