Publishing Medium Stories eBooks Free!

Publishing eBooks and in Medium Publications requires this!

Deon Christie
Readers Hope


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publishing medium stories and ebooks
The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What you will learn from this article

What are Medium publications?

Quick beginner crash course in writing.

How to get published in Medium publications.

A bit about image design and alt attributes.

What are Medium publications?

Medium publications are kind of like blogs, actually, they are blogs. You have a home page with posts, along with a navigation bar. Much the same as a blog. Writing for Medium publications is (in my opinion) by far the fastest way to get traction with your Medium stories.

I think Medium publications might just be the heartbeat of Medium. It is a means of lifting other writers up, as well as yourself. Some Medium publications have hundreds of thousands of followers. And some even visitors and readers in their millions.

But, if you’re not a writer on Medium yet. Then we look forward to welcoming you. But you can also choose to write eBooks, and then publish with a publisher called BookRix. They will publish your eBooks in over 40 major online bookstores completely free.

They do however take 30% of your eBook sales, but they handle all the publishing. All you have to do is to paste your eBook content into their online editor and publish. You can even turn your Medium posts, or any articles into an eBook by separating them with chapters.

eBooks and Medium are an explosive combination to make money online writing. The “trick” is to build up an “article vault” over the years with articles that offer solutions and provide guides. After that, your options to make money writing is endless.

Quick beginner crash course in writing

Spice up your profile, attract attention and create curiosity. With Canva, you can create a GIF format image. But although the requirement is 1000 x 1000, because it is a GIF the file will be too large.

Therefore, create the file 500 x 500. Medium will accept that. What happens next, is that your profile photo (logo) GIF file auto-plays with your profile display in feeds with every one of your stories, and as the thumbnail.

Now let’s get back to general writing. Whether you write on Medium, Quora, Patreon, or anywhere else. There are a few key areas to focus on with professional writing:

Featured Image And Design.

Image Captions Provenance And Copyright.

Headers And Sub Headers.

Readability And Ease Of Reading.

Image Alt Attributes.

Sentence Length.

Paragraph Length.

Affiliate Disclosure (Where Applicable).

Using Quote Blocs To Focus Attention.

Use Bullet Points And Numbered Lists.

You might want to do a little research on these because we’re only going to cover them briefly, otherwise, this is going to turn into an eBook, not a Medium story. But we will get into image design under the last heading a bit more.

Titles, headers, and sub-headers are very important and must include the focus keywords or search phrases. Preferably as close to the beginning of the title or subheading as possible. Preferably the first word but that isn’t always easy.

With subheadings, don’t use the same keyword repeatedly for all subheadings. But include the target keyword in at least 70% of your subheadings, not everyone though. While with the title you want to try avoiding English stop words, which is a rather extensive list.

Around 127 to be more specific. But your content title, in the case of Medium, becomes part of a slug to the primary Medium domain. Try keeping your title short and sweet so it’s easily understood by both readers and search engines alike.

Image captions, provenance (the place of origin or earliest known history of something in this case the image) and copyright confirmation must be included. Not only on Medium, but I also believe it now forms part of some legal aspects of writing and using images.

I just prefer creating my own, so I own the image. Less chance of getting into trouble. Then we have readability, where format and text size play a vital role. How easy is it for your reader and search engines to understand and read your content?

Do you use transition words? Are your paragraphs 2 to 4 sentences long? Are your sentences not exceeding 20 words? All of this forms part of the SEO side of readability, contributing to UX (user experience), which is one of two major SEO ranking factors.

The other is the site (mobile) load speed and AMPs (Accelerated Mobile Pages). With WordPress blogs, a plugin called WordPress Rocket is an excellent tool to boost site load speed. Your site needs to load in less than 6 seconds I believe.

In the case of Medium stories and affiliate marketing. You must include an affiliate disclosure with every post including affiliate links. You might want to use quote blocks and pull quote blocks (click the quote icon twice) to focus attention on your quote. Use short-to-point text that will create curiosity.

Bullet points and numbered lists also come highly recommended and in the case of blogging. You also want to include a “table of contents”, by just using a free WordPress plugin called “Lucky WP Table of Contents”. With Medium, I just use a quote block.

Your first few lines of text, normally 2 to 3 sentences are also used with meta descriptions when you don’t fill them out properly. Be sure that these sentences create curiosity, so you can attract readers instead of clicks.

How to get published in Medium publications

You have to apply by following the “Write For Us” navigation, most professional Medium publications provide these buttons. If not, there will be some post or prompt to contact the editor or editors and apply to become a writer.

Comply with all the requirements set out on these “Write For Us” pages, or Medium stories. Therefore, you need to pay attention to what content is accepted, and what is not. I find that image captions are one of the biggest “problem areas” to getting your work published.

Some publications will only accept posts in draft format. While others will accept already published stories on Medium, which will usually be mentioned in the “write for us” post.

Once you are approved as a writer, the Medium publication will show up in the drop-down menu. In the draft section or “edit story” page. When you click on the 3 dots next to your profile another popup menu will appear.

Now you can choose “Add To Publication”, and all the publications where you are approved will show. Simply select a Medium publication and publish. You will receive an email when your post is accepted. Or a private note on the post to advise you.

So be sure you allow private notes on your Medium stories. These are just a few tips to get published in Medium publications faster and avoid getting rejected. Many publications have hundreds of submissions per day. Editors cannot edit everyone’s work. That is your job.

A bit about image design and alt attributes

Image design and alt attributes are very important for both Medium and search engines. You must explain what the image is about (alt attribution or text), just as you explain to search engines what your content is about.

Regardless of the image size you decide to use, I will advise on PNG images. I believe it makes for a perfect balance between image quality and load time. But when you use any text on the image. Focus the text on the centre of the image. Why?

In feeds like Medium, the featured image is used as a thumbnail, cropping the image from the sides. Focusing your presentational message to the side will get it partly cut off.

The same goes for search result pages on mobile devices, the featured image is used as a thumbnail. This is your chance to create curiosity, not confusion. Regardless of whether you use text or not, always be sure that the “message you want to send” is focused on the centre.

We’ll teach you how to write and publish your own Outrageously Profitable eBook in less than a week from now! Even if you feel like you can’t write a complete sentence or can’t type to save your life! — Source

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Deon Christie
Readers Hope

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.