Quit Trying so Freaking Hard If You Want Results

Manu Kiza
Readers Hope
Published in
4 min readJun 20, 2022

Let’s demystify the concept of achievements. Why trying so hard gets you no effective results and the reason why it will eventually hurt you rather than help build resilience.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

Get rich or die trying.

We should all blame 50 Cent for that one. This motto and ideology have been glamorized by many but properly explained by so few people. The vast majority of us intensely yearn for great results in all areas of our lives, we want to achieve our biggest dreams and experience the greatest highs but refuse to embrace the downward momentum that can come with such big expectations. In our love life, careers, or spiritual search, we repeatedly initiate actions that rarely produce the outcome we hoped for by stopping ourselves from expanding our thoughts and perspectives past our peripheral viewpoints. If you believe that trying is the only way to get you there, then you must [for your own benefit] adjust your thinking process in order to gain clarity on what can best serve you in the attainment of your goals.

Our obsessive tendencies build strenuous resistance.

The less you try, the more you can achieve. Take meditation, for instance, a few years back when I started immersing myself in this practice, I thought that in order to find centeredness I had to try to think of being at ease, try to think of a conducive and fruitful environment, try to think of nothing. This approach felt difficult and inorganic, it stifled my progress and was honestly rather confusing as I kept trying to feel ways I couldn't relate with. I was solely relying on one approach and a single guiding system to help me reach my destination. My GPS was providing me with a multitude of paths but I was relentlessly one-sided in my attempts and on my way met with anxiety, stress, bitterness, and resentment. I was struggling to grasp onto hope and couldn’t seem to find a rational answer as to why I kept missing my shot.

One of my mentors exposed this matter to me like this: “the reason why you can't get the result you wish for is because you are not making room for it. You are obsessing over an outcome that your higher consciousness can not permit because you are not open to letting it unfold. By trying so hard you are unable to relinquish your attachment to the outcome and therefore block yourself from living fully in the presence of the blessings that already surround you”. It felt like walking in the dark with sunglasses on.

“If you can not relinquish attachment to self there is no result obtainable because you simply stand in your own way. When you stop trying and allow things to naturally shape, you gain perspective and clarity”.

Trying doesn't mean that you are committed.

We can give it all we got, but all we got may not be what is needed to get us there. We are so centered on the one thing we are pursuing that we keep missing everything else that is already present. The simplicity of this approach is what makes it complex. If we can understand that by trying so hard to obtain results, we are forcing things outside of our control to happen, then we can accept that committing to letting things unfold can actually provide us with the hold we were looking for in the first place. This is how we can gain access to all that we desire.

If we want results we should practice and remember these few things :

1- Relinquishing our hold on the outcome.

2- Committing ourselves to follow the motion without building a strong attachment to what our perception is.

3- Looking beyond our own perspective.

4- Paying closer attention to what surrounds us.

5- Allowing ourselves to make room by relinquishing the hold we place on our desires.

These little things have changed me and helped me change my life. I sure hope that it helps you as well.

Thank you for reading.

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Manu Kiza
Readers Hope

Contrarian thinker, challenging the way we see the world and finding roots in being an outcast.