Qur’an And Chat GPT:

Readers Hope
Published in
8 min readMay 17, 2023


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Chat GPT is a form of generative AI -- a tool that lets users enter prompts to receive humanlike images, text or videos that are created by AI.

ChatGPT is similar to the automated chat services found on customer service websites, as people can ask it questions or request clarification to ChatGPT’s replies.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that has long sought to create machines capable of human-like intelligence and understanding. In particular, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) which refers to machines that possess the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task, much like a human or even beyond human capabilities [1].

AGI has shown immense progress in diverse fields such as natural language processing, image recognition, and advanced analytics. AGI is the next step in the evolution of artificial intelligence, with the ability to not only recognize patterns, but also learn and reason like a human.

While AGI is still in its infancy, it holds the potential to revolutionize the world in ways we can scarcely imagine. However, despite the impressive strides that AI has made in recent times, the Qur’an poses an unparalleled linguistic challenge to AI’s capabilities.



Readers Hope

Thinker, Spreading Positive Vibes & Educationist.