
Ashley Baez
Readers Hope
Published in
Jun 11, 2024

Recovery isn’t easy!

Photo by Zeynep Sümer on Unsplash

Some days I’m whole and my best

and other days, there’s a whole in my chest.

It’s like your absence took my heart.

Winds hit my breast with full force

breaths escape me and I’m hoarse

chills creep up my arms and legs

Tears rush down as the ache invades

it’s so fast and I become a slave to the pain

drained, hollow, empty

Curling up and hugging the spot

that used to be yours. I’m shot.

Prayers leave my wet lips

“Get me through this please!”

pleads — unanswered. I’m seized

with sleep. “Rest,” He says.

Sunlight. I’m whole but bruised,

reminded that slowly, I’ll improve

recovery isn’t easy!



Ashley Baez
Readers Hope

I am a daughter, writer, and HS English teacher sharing my writing with the hopes that you are encouraged and inspired. For more content: @walkswithash