Rediscover What Makes You Beautiful

More than self-care, find your happiness

Readers Hope
3 min readJun 20, 2024


Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

Somewhere along the line, I lost myself during motherhood. It seemed like my life was in constant repetition.

From changing diapers, breastfeeding, and making bottles, every day seemed like a repeat of the last.

As a mom, this is expected. Carrying a child for nine months changes the way you think. Warps your entire world into a world of survival and chaos, but you fall blissfully in love with the thought of caring and loving your baby.

As I reflect on those times, I often forget one thing. How I deeply neglected myself through it all.

I now realize my postpartum wouldn't have been as bad if I had included taking better care of myself.

Now that my kids are getting older and less dependent on mommy, I decided to return to me.

I'm in the season of finding myself.

Loving all that I am, and discovering the beauty in my magic.

What does rediscovering myself look like?

Photo by Huha Inc. on Unsplash

After doing some shadowwork on my childhood, I realized I neglected a lot of past dreams and passions I had.

I forgot how much of a foundation my dreams and passions played into my life and once I stopped working towards that, life didn’t seem as exciting.

We get so caught up in our everyday responsibilities, the same daily routine, that we lose the very thing that made us uniquely different from the rest of the world.

As a child, my mother taught me the world of fashion. She taught me different styles and how to coordinate pieces to make them my own and to sew my clothes.

By this time I was falling in love with the art of creating. I started drawing out my designs and attempting to create my fashion line.

Somewhere after High School, life happened and I never went back to the one thing I once enjoyed. Since then, I have always felt something was missing.

In the early days of motherhood, I survived off living in my pajamas. I didn’t have the energy to change let alone did I find beauty in who I was becoming.

How did I rediscover myself?

Incorporating daily affirmations has been my ultimate game-changer. Every morning I remember to prioritize myself. To do this I wake up much earlier than my children to get myself prepared for the day.

Nowadays, I fall in love with the idea of pampering myself in the mornings. Taking time to shower, giving myself a self-soothing massage, putting on makeup, and styling my hair differently have all been key in redefining my beauty.

No, I am not a fashion designer.

However, I did find a way to style pieces in my closet to create a style that fits me. That compliments how I feel and who I want to be.

Finding time to cater to those parts I once neglected, helped me regain confidence again and my confidence solely depends on how I treat myself.

The Takaway

As an adult, I relied on others to make me feel beautiful. But now that I am healing, I learned my beauty isn’t defined by what others tell me. It is solely defined by how I see myself. Seeing the beauty in myself first ignites a special kind of confidence that I thought was long gone.



Readers Hope

Come along on a beautiful journey to peace. As I embark on learning lessons through experiencing trials and overcoming obstacles to maintain peace.