Image Provenance And Copyright.

Writing Is About A Whole Lot More Than Just Words!

Deon Christie
Article Writing SEO Guide (DCM)


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image provenance and copyright
The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What Will You Learn From This Article?

For Those With English As Second Language.

Adhering To The Rules And Getting Published.

Understanding Why This Is So Important.

Benefits Of Professional Writing.

For Those With English As Second Language.

Thankfully, Veritas Civis (One Of The ILLUMINATION Editors) was kind enough to be patient with me. Truth be told, I had to use Google to check the meaning of some words myself. Because as for many of you, English is my second language.

Plus, I still type with two fingers. Rather fast after 11 years, but two-finger typing nonetheless! Because I see myself as a content creator, so NOT a “Guru”. An online explorer rather than an “Expert”.

Way too many “Gurus” and “Experts” these days who couldn’t recognize the meaning of the profession if it fell on them! No, I am just here primarily to try and make things a little easier.

I will never forget how I struggled to get started, I know all too well how fast you can be drowning in an ocean of information overload.

Provenance Meaning — “the place of origin or earliest known history of something”. I had to use Google because I didn’t quite understand the meaning of the word provenance.

Understanding the meaning, however, made understanding the process a lot easier. Hence me sharing the meaning of one specific word. Because that made it all clear to me.

Veritas, one of the ILLUMINATION editors was even so kind as to do some of the necessary changes to my images, so I have examples of what was expected. This too really helped a lot.

Along with Dr Mehmet’s post, I couldn’t ask for a clearer explanation and guide. So, a sincere thanks to them both.

But please don’t expect this from the editors, they have thousands of writers to edit and check. I was merely done a favour, and it helped my understanding immensely.

creating a professional medium profile
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Adhering To The Rules And Getting Published.

Admittedly, I’m just adding some content to simplify some of the terminologies. For those of us with English as a second language, I know that the terminology was a bit confusing to me too.

Adhering to the rules is just so much better, and easier than arguing and trying to play the “free Speech” or “freedom of speech”, and even the “freedom of the press” cards.

Publishers are not lawyers, and they are not going to get into a discussion about the legalities of the process.

If the publisher requires you to provide (X), then you provide X!

You are the one trying to get published on their platforms, you are in their (publisher's) house. It is up to you to stick to the “house rules” and be allowed the privilege of getting published!

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, (owner and chief editor of ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR, ILLUMINATION Book Chapters, SYNERGY, Technology Hits, and Readers Hope publications on Medium) explains it much better than I can.

Just follow the rules in this outstanding article above and you will get published a lot faster. You may also want to join these publishers; the audiences are rather responsive…just a thought.

Understanding Why This Is So Important.

From writing to digital marketing, and basically any form of making money online. The competition is going to be fierce, and you must compete at a professional level.

You will be competing with writers and marketers with decades of experience behind them. Therefore “research and understanding the process” must be your primary objective.

All these “image attributes” and all that goes along with them were completely new to me. Understanding, and applying the rules had visible results. My content started “moving up” and attracted more views.

Your job is to out-write, out-will, out-wit, and out-determine your competition. Therefore you need to keep up with things like legal requirements. Activate “Lion Mentality”!

The thumbnail was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Focus on paragraph and sentence length. Headers and sub-headers, etc. Keywords and search phrase placement. LSI keywords and the benefits of adding them to the content body.

Professional writing is about a whole lot more than just words. Writing is not the ability to use impressive words, but rather using simple words in an impressive manner.

In order to compete at a professional level your content must be better, more useful, and better understandable than that of your competitors. So I say again, comply with all the requirements necessary.

Even if it does take a few days of research to understand everything, the point is to get educated. Only then can you start writing and competing at a professional level?

Benefits Of Professional Writing.

From writing jobs to publications, and writing eBooks. The options are endless, and writing eBooks is one of the most profitable ways. But it requires you to write a “killer” eBook, and then give it away for free!

Personally, writing and designing play a paramount role in my online career in affiliate marketing. Creating your own unique and helpful content is the key to affiliate marketing success.

Being a copy/paste marketer is not. Having your own unique content and designs puts you on a whole new level of “professional”.

The benefit of professional writing includes making money online, gaining recognition, and building trust. Recognition and trust are the two most important ingredients for generating sales online.

The more you write, the better you get at it. That is just how it works with anything you wish to be professional at. You need to keep doing it until you reach said level. Set goals and just keep writing.

Eventually, large publishers and other professionals will start noticing your work. From there, the only way is up. But you may need to write for a few months or years before that happens.

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Deon Christie
Article Writing SEO Guide (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.