Soak Up the Hope

Readers Hope
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2024

Since last week, dark clouds have hung low, drizzling rain and casting a gloomy shadow over my mood. While spending time under the covers sleeping or binge-watching a series can be cozy on an occasional rainy day, prolonged spells of rain tend to dampen my spirits, especially when it comes to working in such gloomy weather. Thankfully, today the weather has finally cleared up.

It would be a shame not to take advantage of such beautiful weather, especially with a nice park nearby. So, after lunch, Kris (my boyfriend) and I headed to the park to soak up the sun and shake off the haze from the recent rainy days.

Photo via author

As soon as we entered the park, I felt the spring breeze blowing in my face, instantly relaxing and uplifting my mood. Since it was a weekday, the park was blissfully quiet with only a few visitors. The trees were adorned with delicate, light-green leaves, a soothing sight for the eyes. Meanwhile, some eager wildflowers had already burst into bloom, eagerly embracing the onset of spring and luxuriating in the golden rays of sunlight. Reds, pinks, and yellows mingled harmoniously with the fresh green buds of the trees, painting a mesmerizing watercolor scene in nature’s gallery.

Photo via author

As we strolled along, Kris would intermittently pull out his phone to capture snapshots of the flora. His spontaneous shots often turned into striking wallpapers. We even encountered charming kittens, pausing briefly by their side before moving on. Eventually, we reached our destination: the lakeside.

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Since a group of elderly saxophone enthusiasts has claimed our usual spot — a small hill in the park — the lakeside has become our tranquil refuge. We love sitting on the lakeside rocks, observing the fish below — the grey catfish and golden koi — swimming freely, exuding pure joy. Kris particularly enjoys meditating here, finding solace in the serene surroundings.

Today, just like usual, we sat on the rocks and enjoyed watching the fish for a while. Kris started meditating, while I got lost in watching the fish swim. After some time, I heard a quacking noise, snapping me out of my trance. I looked in the direction of the sound and noticed four ducks swimming towards us. These ducks were uncommon visitors to this part of the lake (at least, we hadn’t seen them before). They had always stayed on the other side of the lake.

They didn’t swim in the middle of the lake, but rather along the rocky shore. They pecked at the rocks along the lake shore as if searching for something to eat. They swam swiftly, occasionally squabbling over position — some eagerly darting to the front while others lagged, all the while emitting quacking sounds as if engaged in conversation.

As they glided past the arched bridge, they soon approached us. Fearless, they paid no heed to our presence as they swam beneath our feet. Observing them closely, I noticed they were feeding on the moss-covered rocks. In no time, they moved on, continuing their journey with lively quacks. Their round little heads looked adorable from behind.

Photo via author

Later, when Kris finished meditating, he mentioned how the sound of the ducks passing by filled him with joy and tranquility. It had a similar effect on me.

After a while, it was time to return to reality — back home to work. Upon our arrival, we found our cat peacefully asleep on the balcony’s cat tree, bathed in sunlight streaming through the window, casting a soft silver glow on her gray and white fur. I brewed two cups of coffee using the Moka pot and settled in front of my computer to begin working.

As I write this article now, the sunlight outside remains warm, occasionally accompanied by the cheerful chirping of birds (sometimes teasing our cat through the window). They too must be reveling in the hard-earned early spring sunshine.

Whether it’s the clear skies, the arrival of spring, or the vibrant energy of the park, it feels like a seed of hope has quietly been planted in my heart at this moment. For the first time this year, I sense that it will be a year filled with happiness, hope, and joy. It turns out that I not only soaked up the sunshine but also soaked up the hope.

