Start Writing Today

Hammad Hassan
Readers Hope
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2021

If you are a beginner and want to get into writing, you need to accept one thing: "You’re not a good writer". It’s okay

In order to be a good writer, you have to be a good reader. It’s not hard to see how that works. Read books and magazines. Pay attention to the way writers use language in different situations.

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Read And Think

If you read a lot of blogs consistently, you are approaching writing. That’s the process where you get the input which is knowledge, you proceed the knowledge which is thinking, analysing and creating your own opinions on a particular topic and then output generated which are your reviews, your opinions to someone or something.

The subconscious mind refers to the part of the brain that processes information about feelings, instincts, and intuition. It is said that our subconscious mind can make connections instantly in comparison to the conscious mind, which takes time to process information.

Copy Your Mentors

So, if you like someone’s writing style and want to write with the same tone. Just copy their way of using words, in the beginning you need to learn how to use a particular word that makes sense in the right way, or may be writing an idiom that fits properly.

Let me give you an example;In the beginning of our school life, we used to have alphabetic books in which we could copy how "A" was written. But after some time everyone had different hand writings. My handwriting and yours might be similar but not the same.

Keep Everything Simple

Don’t use hard vocabulary, simply address your point. Don’t be over smart or don’t show off that you know better.

No one knows 100%. So, if you are writing to prove yourself, forget it!

Never Stop Learning

Every day you learn something new. Accept it and keep reading other people, keep listening to podcasts, and watching videos. The point is “keep reinventing yourself.” The more knowledge you have the better storyteller you are. If someone is writing, talking, or showing, everyone is a storyteller.

As a beginner read more



Hammad Hassan
Readers Hope

Founder | Not Selling Course & Making Money the Right Way!