Start Your Day with a Story

How 10 minutes of morning reading can transform your life.

Teronie Donaldson
Readers Hope
4 min readMay 6, 2024


Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash

Imagine starting your day not with the blare of an alarm or a hurried glance at your to-do list but with the quiet turning of pages, where each word guides you into a peaceful state of mind.

Sounds like the opening passage of a good book, right? But what if I told you this could be the opening of your every day — what a beautiful way to start the morning!

Dedicating just 10–15 minutes each morning to read a few pages of your favorite book can transform an ordinary morning into a serene retreat, enhancing your mood and mental sharpness.

This simple, calming practice can set a positive tone for your entire day, enriching your life profoundly.

A Calming Start to the Day

I have three kids, and getting them ready for school in the mornings is not fun. I am not afraid to admit that I have watched that episode too many times, and I sincerely believe that they should be dialed in already.

However, with kids, what is simple is not always so; they pretend like you are telling them this info for the first time. Especially with different ages. You get whiny, irritated, and upset moods every day. The daily repetition of saying the same commands until it sometimes becomes a yell.

There are times when I finally get through the rough morning when I drop them off at school, and I am relieved the teachers get to deal with them now.

The good news is I am in better spirits and more alert by the time the short part of the morning passes. I am not a morning person, but I often thought to myself how I could improve that, and the best way I have found was via a morning routine that included reading.

Mornings are often rushed and filled with preparations for the day ahead. Introducing a brief reading session during these early hours can provide calmness and mental clarity.

On the days I read a few pages of a great book (Usually mindset in the morning for me), I get a significant boost of energy and perspective that floods my mind with great thoughts. The results are that I am usually more energetic and have a better disposition to deal with the kids when they have cranky mornings.

Engaging with a book in the mornings has helped me tremendously, and I am sure it will help you, too. Morning reading allows you to temporarily escape the pressures of your daily schedule and immerse yourself in a different world.

This mental reset helps reduce stress and anxiety, setting a peaceful tone for the rest of the day. Different materials may have different effects, but it is still a great way to start the day.

Building a Consistent Reading Habit

Consistency is key when it comes to forming new habits. By dedicating 10–15 minutes each morning to reading, you gradually create a routine that feels natural. This consistent exposure reinforces the habit and progressively increases your reading speed and comprehension skills.

Over time, you might find that you can read more pages in the same time or even extend your reading sessions as they become a more integral part of your day.

Improving Intelligence

Reading is more than just a way to pass the time; it’s an active mental exercise. Regular reading improves various cognitive functions, including vocabulary expansion, memory retention, and critical thinking skills.

Don’t believe me; try it for yourself and see where you stand in the next year or so.

Engaging with diverse genres and authors also broadens your perspectives, making you more knowledgeable and empathetic. Studies have shown that this intellectual stimulation can contribute to a sharper mind and even stave off the cognitive decline associated with aging.

Easy Tips for Integrating Reading Into Your Morning Routine

1. Choose Engaging Material: Select books that genuinely capture your interest. Whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, or professional development, reading something you enjoy will make it much easier to stick to the habit.

2. Set a Specific Time and Place: As with any routine, consistency in timing and environment helps form a habit. Find a quiet spot where you can read undisturbed at the same time each morning.

3. Keep Your Book Accessible: Place your book somewhere you can easily see and reach it when it’s time to read. This could be on your nightstand, at your breakfast table, or in your morning commute bag.

4. Use Technology: If physical books aren’t your style, consider e-books or audiobooks, which can be more convenient for integrating into a busy lifestyle. Many e-readers and apps also allow you to track your reading progress, which can be motivating.

5. Set Realistic Goals: Start with a few pages or a single chapter daily. Once you’re comfortable with this, you can adjust your goals.

Final Thoughts

Remember that each page turned is a step toward a more mindful and enlightened self. With just 10–15 minutes a day, you can uncover worlds of knowledge and peace that lie between the covers of books. So why not challenge yourself to start tomorrow?

Pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read, find your cozy corner, and immerse yourself in a story. It’s a simple commitment with profound benefits — your future self will thank you for this gift of daily tranquility and wisdom.

Embrace the power of reading and let it illuminate your mornings and mind.

Happy Reading.

All the best.

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Teronie Donaldson
Readers Hope

Student of life. I write about books, productivity, reading, and applying what I learned. I hope it helps. *Check me out *