Stop Trying to Be Like Everyone Else

Just be yourself

Jomar Fonseca
Readers Hope
2 min readJul 16, 2022


Photo by Dakota Corbin on Unsplash

Growing up, I realized how many people sadly want to fit into society, including myself at times. I fell into the trap of wanting to be accepted and viewed better socially.

Why am I writing this?

I’m deciding to write this because I feel many could learn from it. Maybe writing this could also help me realize the things I do that I don’t always pay attention to.

Keeping an open mind is what keeps me going. I want to inspire others through my writing.

I want to let individuals know you’re not alone about having the thoughts you do about fitting in. The feeling of frustration of not fitting in.

What am I trying to achieve?

I’m trying to let people know the best thing they have is themselves. If you have confidence in your ability to learn something new, you can achieve so many things!

Keeping an open mind is what keeps someone curious about not knowing what is next and I just wanted to remind everyone of that.

Why is it good to be yourself?

I believe it’s important to want to be yourself because there are too many normal people. If we want to change then we need to see something that we haven’t seen before.

We need unique minds that will keep us going forward. I write to inspire others and I hope it shows through my work. Writing is one way of showing who I am through my words.

Even if many other people are doing the same thing, they have their way of doing it if that makes sense.

Moments, where I realized being different, is okay

During the COVID pandemic being locked away at home, I started getting more into TV shows and movies.

I remember the first time I watched American Horror Story on FX by Ryan Murphy.

The show in itself is unique and it’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The person who created electricity is something not a lot of people were into before.

Unique minds look at things from a bigger picture. There are so many creators/investors I could name that have done things that history hasn’t seen before.

Just trust in yourself to be who you want to be. Remember success is defined by oneself and not others :).

A big thank you to Readers Hope for allowing me to have a platform for my writing!



Jomar Fonseca
Readers Hope

Loved writing ever since I was younger now, and I’m excited to share my writing with others. Love coffee. Okay, I’m done. I think.