The 4 Strategies For Making Money on Amazon KDP

Vallerie Wilson
Readers Hope
Published in
4 min readSep 23, 2023


Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

I’m 6 months into my indie-publishing journey on Amazon KDP. I’ve made decent results, which I share here.

One of the most valuable things I learned from the courses I took is to set an appropriate expectation — then you know where to put your efforts. It starts with understanding which of these four strategies you are pursuing.

Strategy 1: Indirect income by using a book to add to your credibility

If your motivation for publishing a book is to enhance your credibility for your primary career, then publishing one non-fiction book and spending significant effort promoting that one book (or a small handful of books) makes sense.

Don’t expect it to make real money from royalties. Its value lies more in making you money indirectly, through means such as landing you speaking gigs or helping you get a new client.

If you’re trying to make money just in royalties, you would follow one of the other three strategies.

Strategy 2: Build an audience first, then sell them a book

Only after building up a large audience through content creation or some other means, then produce one or more books.



Vallerie Wilson
Readers Hope

Recovering overachiever writing about lifestyle design from an anti-hustle-culture lens