The Best Advice

Just do it

Darius Lim
Readers Hope
2 min readMay 23, 2024


Photo by wu yi on Unsplash

Just do it

Three simple words that you have told yourself. Willpower through situations that you dislike to get to the desired outcome.

The Nike slogan was inspired by convicted murderer Gary Gilmore. He said those exact words before being executed by a firing squad in Utah in 1977.

It has nothing to do with sports, but we can relate to these three words. Anticipation is agonizing.

I started running about 6 months ago and did a half-marathon last month. It was hard. Convince myself to show up at the park to run was the toughest part.

Condition your mind, wake up, and face the challenge, even with every ounce of your fiber protesting the idea. That transition is what separates you from the rest.

Because it’s tough. You don’t just do it. I know I won’t. I have disappointed others and myself because I didn’t fulfill the promise I made.

If it worked, the world wouldn’t have so many unhealthy people. You probably have your own unique circumstances that we don’t know about or don’t understand. Working a double shift. I just became a parent, etc.

We always overestimate the change that will occur in the short term and underestimate the change that will occur in the long term. — Bill Gates

Take small steps and walk far. Thats it.

No matter how busy you are, there is always time you can spare to achieve your goals.

When you stopped taking steps, Be honest with yourself. Many times, my excuse was that I got lazy. I stopped because I got distracted. I know that is not who I am, and when I get myself to repeat those nasty words that I do not want to be associated with, my mind clicks, and the steps become easier because I don’t want to be associated with laziness or being easily distracted.

The best advice is the one that comes from you. When you say what it is, you start to formulate solutions. Advice that is specific to you.

To formulate good advice for yourself, reflect on your emotions.

Write, write, and write.

The journey toward personal growth isn’t paved with easy answers but is constructed by looking back at your own life and choices. The main task is to engage deeply with your own challenges and craft a personalized path forward. Take small steps. Your voice, informed by your experiences and sharpened by overcoming challenges, is the most reliable guide you have.

