The Journey of Entrepreneurship:

Learning from Seven Years of Planning

Darshana Menon
Readers Hope
3 min readMar 5, 2024


Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

The idea of entrepreneurship is a siren’s call that resonates with many of us at some point in our lives. The desire to break free from the confines of a 9–5 job and pursue our passions independently is a dream shared by countless individuals. Yet, despite this universal yearning, the path to entrepreneurship is filled with challenges, uncertainties, and risks. How many of us actually take the leap, and of those who do, how many succeed?

I, like many others, had the ambition of starting my own business. For years, I envisioned the day when I would have the time and opportunity to turn this dream into reality. With each passing year, I accumulated knowledge, worked on different skills, and nurtured my creativity, convinced that these qualities would make launching a business a breeze.

Then, in 2017, circumstances aligned in my favor. A move to a new city meant no job so lots of free time during the day — the kid at school, and the husband at the office. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to dedicate myself to planning and launching my business. But did I seize the moment? Regrettably, no.

Seven years have passed since that pivotal moment, and I find myself still trapped in the planning stage. Despite investing countless hours, thoughts, and resources into various business ideas, I have little to show for it. Some ventures were started, websites created, materials purchased, yet none put to action. It’s not for lack of effort or hard work. Rather, it’s my inability to commit, to see things through to their conclusion.

I’ve sought guidance from astrology one of the easiest excuses we have been using, hoping for reassurance that my endeavors would succeed. Yet, reality has consistently contradicted these optimistic predictions. What I’ve come to realize is that it’s not about the lack of planning or effort — it’s about the perseverance to stick with something long enough to witness its outcome, be it success, failure, or valuable lessons learned.

My propensity for quick changes and indecision does not stop me from becoming an entrepreneur. Instead, it highlights the need for me to cultivate the right skills, forge meaningful connections with like-minded individuals, and gain valuable experience before plunging headfirst into entrepreneurship.

The journey of entrepreneurship is not a sprint but a marathon — a test of endurance, resilience, and adaptability. It’s about embracing failure as a stepping stone to success and recognizing that setbacks are opportunities for growth. It’s about surrounding oneself with mentors, collaborators, and supporters who can provide guidance, encouragement, and perspective.

So, as I embark on the next phase of my entrepreneurial journey, I do so with humility, self-awareness, and a newfound appreciation for the importance of patience and perseverance. While my path may have been marked by false starts and detours, I remain optimistic that with the right mindset, skills, and support network, I can overcome the obstacles that have thus far impeded my progress and ultimately realize my entrepreneurial aspirations.

After all, the journey is just as important as the destination, and every setback is a lesson in disguise.

