The Power of Proper Priorities

Readers Hope
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2022
Photo by Min An on Pexels

“The most important things are to know what to focus on and how you are going to get it done”

We tend to get distracted when we have a lot of things to do. We prefer to work on easier things and often avoid what’s important.

However, real productivity is about doing things that have the greatest impact.

Your biggest-impact task is your Most Important Task (MIT). It refers to the activity that provides the greatest leverage to achieve your goal.

For example, the process of publishing a book involves many activities, such as researching topics and assembling information through interviews. But the biggest-impact activity (MIT) is the act of writing itself.

You can only identify your MIT after setting a measurable goal and identifying all the necessary activities to achieve that goal.

Remember, it’s not about feeling productive (doing many things at once or doing unimportant but satisfying things). Rather, It’s about actually being productive by doing things that have the biggest impact on your goal.

Action to take:

Start your day doing the Most Important Task (MIT) first.

  1. Write your goal down. (Be specific)
  2. Identify all the tasks/activities that are necessary to achieve your goal. (Write it down)
  3. Circle the task that will have the biggest impact on your goal (MIT) For example, although writing a book involves many activities like research and planning, the biggest-impact task is the actual act of writing.
  4. Schedule your MIT for the first two hours after you are fully awake. Most people are most productive and have the highest cognitive functioning within the first two hours after they are fully awake. By working on your MIT first thing, you do what matters most as your priority, setting yourself up for a successful day.

