The Things We Learn In Our Alone Moments Are Underrated

It took me nothing to come up with something.

Vladimir Decio Kruglov
Readers Hope
4 min read5 days ago


I don’t have a story to tell here, but I have a point to make—something I think many people today (mostly my age but not limited to that demographic) need to hear.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

We live in an extremely noisy world.

There is noise everywhere and at absolutely all times.

If we are outdoors, we are most likely to hear people screaming or, better yet, music; if we are in our offices, we hear loud keyboard taps and colleagues arguing; if we are at home, we have Netflix on; and so on.

Do we ever think about that? Do we ever wonder if that is healthy?

No, we do not.

We do not particularly care about that because our brain likes it. It rewards music, Netflix, and other chaos with dopamine (and a lot of it).

However, an excess of hormones leads to a major issue:

An Overflow of Hormones Is Always Bad

When it gets to this point, I can say with 100% certainty that it’s not healthy.

As a matter of fact, it kills our dreams.

“Too Much Dopamine” has been emphasized a lot during these past couple of years—and for a dang good reason.

Many argue that it’s all a trend.

But it’s not. Too much dopamine is a real thing. It can severely damage your brain and, in turn, ruin your academics, career, or business (or whatever).

The impact of this constant stimulation is profound.

You can’t imagine the number of things dopamine does to our brains.

Let’s bring this back to the issue of noise.

We Are Too Loud These Days

We often get very excited about getting excited — hopefully, you understand.

That created an imbalance between our alone time and our chaotic, partying, and loud times.

We have become so “fun” that we barely have any time for ourselves.

And that, as we discussed earlier, is a problem.

I’ve experienced this imbalance myself, and I recently decided to change.

I became a little "quieter."

Some would even say I am a bit too quiet. But I disagree; I think that the quieter you are, the more advantageous you are in life. Here’s what I mean:

"Becoming Quiet" Is a Cheat Code

Let’s look at this from a few different perspectives:

You think so much more..

Wouldn’t it be useful if you reflected more on your life? How is your progress with losing weight, for example? How is business?


This also helps incredibly well in coming up with fresh ideas.

It’s unbelievable how many things I’ve thought of in the past few months since I’ve dedicated myself to peace and quiet.

I had a lot of ideas and came up with many solutions.

You become invincible..

Just think about this: if you talk less, people will know less about you.

Wouldn’t that be useful? Absolutely.

Perhaps if you’re a media personality and you earn money from sharing about yourself, it’s not the ideal solution.

However, if you are not, people not knowing about you is a real advantage because no one has any leverage over you.

Have you ever thought about this?

If you’re in any “thinking” job industry, incubation is key..

I remember reading a book about copywriting.

“The Adweek Copywriting Handbook” by Joseph Sugarman

It mentioned a concept that if you are unable to come up with good ideas, don’t force yourself to—you will ruin your advertisements.

When you lack creativity, Mr. Joe advises escaping the problem.

According to him, if you try to get as far away from the problem as possible, you will inevitably find a solution.

—because our brain, even though we don’t realize it, is always functioning.

Practical Steps I Would Take:

Here are a few steps that you can take to embrace a more tranquil life:

  1. Take a walk without headphones on. This is the ultimate level of peace, especially if you are in a quieter place such as the countryside.
  2. Meditate. This can be done through various means: yoga, simple stretching, or even just thinking about yourself in the quiet.
  3. Morning or evening run—one of the most effective ways I’ve found to relax. This helps your entire body either start or end the day.

A Few Quiet Wins

I have become a lot less stressed, a lot more productive, and a lot more effortful with everything that I do since quieting down.

Here are a few examples:

  • Whenever I am unable to come up with an idea to write about, I simply go for a walk, and guess what happens? I get crazy ideas.
  • If I have an argument with someone, it’s enough for me to sit in a quiet room for a few minutes — and I am completely settled down.
  • There are times when we simply feel out of sorts — quiet moments help resolve that.

In a world that’s louder than anything else, it’s very important to find your own moments of quiet time to reflect, rejuvenate, and truly thrive.

Take a day off from the noise. Unplug your headphones, sit in a quiet room, and meditate or simply work on yourself in a quiet environment.

I write on Medium to help you, follow me :)

Thanks a lot for reading!




Vladimir Decio Kruglov
Readers Hope

I write about how you can become who you want to be and achieve your goals. I also ghostwrite for cool people.