The Unexpected Link Between Rock Climbing and Productivity

How Scaling a Cliff Makes Me a Better Writer (And Mom)

Amy Barlowe
Readers Hope
5 min readJul 5, 2024


Photo by Mike Kotsch on Unsplash

My life is a whirlwind, a constant rush of activity. Mornings begin with a blur of packed lunches, school drop-offs, and a quick coffee before I head to my job. The days are filled with legal briefs, client meetings, and the ever-present email deluge. Evenings, though, offer a different kind of whirlwind: homework help, dinner prep, and settling my playful children into bed.

Amidst all of this, though, I find time for a passion that fuels me: climbing. Weekends often involve scaling cliffs, testing my limits, and pushing myself beyond what I thought possible. It might seem odd: rock climbing, a physically demanding, adrenaline-fueled pursuit, and writing, a cerebral, introspective activity. But the two are more connected than you might think. The mental strength and focus I gain from conquering a challenging rock face carry over into my writing and parenting, making me a more focused, productive, and present individual.

Climbing for Focus

Climbing isn’t always about reaching the summit. It’s true, conquering a difficult route is exhilarating, that rush of accomplishment as you clip your rope to the final anchor. Yet, the real magic unfolds in the climb itself.

You must be entirely present, every muscle engaged, every move deliberate. There’s no room for distractions, no space for your mind to wander. You’re forced to focus, to problem-solve, to adapt to the changing rock face. This intense focus, this need for presence, directly translates to my writing. When I sit down to write, I’m not simply “tapping away.” I’m deeply engaged, actively shaping my thoughts into coherent narratives. This focus helps me navigate the chaos of being a busy mom, too. When Cassie needs help with her gymnastics routine, or Darla needs assistance with her nursing homework, I can be fully present, fully engaged. The mental strength I build on the rock face is my secret weapon, used to conquer mountains of deadlines or a messy kitchen, keeping me grounded and in control.

Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Climbing for Planning

Rock climbing isn’t just about brute force. It’s a strategic dance. Before I tackle a route, I study it carefully. I assess its difficulty, identify key handholds, and visualize my ascent, step by step. Just like I gather research and outline for a writing project, I pack my harness, rope, and carabiners, essential tools for my adventure. A well-planned climb, like a well-structured article, sets me up for success, making the process feel effortless.

Remember that challenging overhang I conquered? I spent an hour meticulously studying the route, mapping out every move, and I climbed it with confidence. Writing complex, lengthy articles is similar. I can’t just dive in headfirst without a plan. First, I research, then I create a detailed outline, and the words flow effortlessly. Preparation is key, whether I’m scaling a cliff or crafting a compelling piece of writing.

Climbing Through Failure

There’s a huge difference between a climb that simply ends in success and one that makes you stronger.

You know that feeling, halfway up a route, muscles burning, and you’re staring at a terrifying overhang? That happened to me recently. I tried, and tried again, but couldn’t get past a certain point. It wasn’t my physical strength that was holding me back, it was something mental. I felt frustrated, discouraged, but I wouldn’t give up. So I took a step back, looked at my technique, and tried again. And again. It took a few tries, but finally, I did it! That feeling of triumph was even sweeter because of the struggle. You see, failure is part of the process, whether we’re talking about climbing or writing. Every time I get a rejection from a publication, or have to rewrite an entire paragraph, it’s a chance to grow and learn. Learning to navigate those challenges makes me a stronger climber and a better writer. The key is to keep trying, to learn from our mistakes, and to never give up.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Climbing With Crew

Rock climbing isn’t just about conquering the mountain. It’s about the people you climb with, the shared journey, the support you find in your climbing partners. My friends are more than just companions — they’re my cheerleaders, my motivators, my safety net.

They push me to try harder routes, celebrate my wins, and offer encouragement when I hit a wall — literally! It’s like having a team of experts, always willing to share tips and techniques. But let’s be honest, the laughter and fun we share on those climbs are just as rewarding as reaching the summit. Writing, for me, is a similar experience. It’s about finding your tribe, those fellow writers who understand the ups and downs, the joys and frustrations of putting words on paper. Whether it’s connecting with other writers through workshops, online communities, or traditional writing groups, the support and inspiration you gain from this shared experience is invaluable. It’s like climbing with a crew — you’re not alone on this creative journey. My husband, Bill, is my biggest supporter, cheering me on with my writing projects, even when he has absolutely no idea what I’m talking about! He’s also the one who patiently listens to me rant about a particularly challenging article — a true rock star. And my kids, well, they’re the ultimate motivators, inspiring me to create stories that they’ll love. I guess you could say that my family is my own personal writing crew, always rooting for me every step of the way.

Climbing for Life

Rock climbing isn’t just physically demanding; it’s a mental workout, too. The need for focus, planning, and strength spills over into every area of my life.

Climbing has made me a better writer, a more organized mom, and a more balanced person overall. I encourage everyone to find their own passion, something that challenges them, pushes them beyond their comfort zone, and helps them grow. What’s your version of rock climbing? What do you do to challenge yourself? Share your stories in the comments, and let’s grow together!



Amy Barlowe
Readers Hope

Joyful mom of three, loving wife, productivity guru, and mindset writer. Embracing life's adventures!