These 4 Skills Are More Important Than 4 Years Degree Course

These Four Skills are the base of any skill. After that, it's all about your practice and consistency.

Shyamdeo Ranjan
Readers Hope


Today young millennials and our parents and society force you to take four years or five years of a degree course, but you hardly get a job from this degree; finally, you need to develop these four skills to get your first job. You believe that I have taken a computer science degree from tier 1 college; we do not need to develop any skills. But time and technology have been changing drastically. It doesn't matter what degree you have completed; it will become out after a decade. Few professions always have edges like lawyer and doctor and many more. But till this profession need to develop these four skills to become up to date.

Reading: Reading a few pages every day apart from your domain and expertise; if you dream of becoming a billionaire or building a billion-dollar company as a founder or employee, you must have book-reading habits. Just develop the habit of reading 20 pages every day; after 365 days, you can see yourself in the mirror; your personality and thinking patterns have changed. If you are already an avid book reader, share your best lesson in the comment section.



Shyamdeo Ranjan
Readers Hope

Founder @ TIFFINQNQ. An avid book reader, Serial Entrepreneur, Believe in building people’s lives!