Alternate History

Three Alternate Timelines: Worlds That Didn’t Make the Cut

Delve into three captivating alternate timelines that offer a glimpse into what our world could have been

Tyler Lubben BBA
Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readFeb 23, 2024


Photo by Saketh on Unsplash

In a world full of possibilities, there are countless timelines that could have been but never came to be. These alternate histories hold a certain fascination for both historians and enthusiasts alike. Let’s take a closer look at three alternate timelines that didn’t make the cut but still captured our imagination. Watch the video to get a further explanation and an idea of what alternate timelines could have occurred if only a few things had changed in history.

(video at the bottom)

  1. The Roman Empire Redux

Imagine a world where the fall of the Roman Empire never occurred. A world where the Romans continued their dominance, expanding their territories and influence even further. In this alternate timeline, the Roman Empire would have thrived, significantly shaping the course of history. The Roman Republic would not have been the birthplace of Western democracy, resulting in a vastly different world as we know it today.

2. The Scientific Renaissance

In this alternate timeline, Europe is not affected by the Dark Ages. Instead, a scientific renaissance occurs, resulting in advancements in medicine, astronomy, and technology. The knowledge and discoveries made during this period would have propelled humanity forward by centuries, leading to a world far more advanced than our own.

3. The United States of Africa

In another alternate timeline, Africa unites early on to form a powerful superpower. Instead of being divided into multiple smaller nations, Africa stands as a single united continent with rich cultural diversity and abundant resources. The United States of Africa emerges as a global powerhouse, fundamentally altering the balance of power on the world stage.

While these alternate timelines are purely speculative, they provide a glimpse into what could have been. They ignite our curiosity and encourage us to ponder the complexities of history. However, the path we find ourselves on today is the result of countless factors and events, both monumental and minute. It reminds us to appreciate our world's triumphs and struggles.

History as a Tapestry of Interconnected Stories

As we explore these alternate timelines, it is important to remember that history is not a linear journey. It is a tapestry of interconnected stories, each influencing the other in ways we may never fully comprehend. While we can only imagine what these alternate timelines would look like, they serve as a reminder of the fragility and wonder of our own timeline.

Delving into Alternate History

So, let us continue to delve into the realms of alternate history and expand our understanding of the world that could have been. Who knows, perhaps the lessons we learn from these “what if” scenarios will help shape a brighter future for all of us.

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Tyler Lubben BBA
Readers Hope

Travel, Writing Advice and Finance Writer. Published Author.