Time Heals All Sorrows

Trauma’s Temporal Misnomer

Martin O'Toole
Readers Hope


Image licensed from Jorm Sangsorn.

Time alone cannot fix trauma.

Ignoring it doesn’t equal healing.

Trauma embeds itself deep within, growing inward rather than dissipating.

You might ignore it, bury it deep, or disconnect from it, but it will always rear its head through physical, behavioral, and relational symptoms, especially under stress.

You might not even know you carry it. Trauma during birth and early childhood is commonplace.

Do you notice your triggers?

Neglect these warning signs, and your body will pile on more, layer by layer — tension, pain, anxiety, fear, rigidity — each impacting the nervous system’s ability to adapt.

Not to mention the myriad ways your trauma will affect your relationships and ability to connect authentically.

And the signs?

Hyper-vigilance, perfectionism, dissociation, difficulty with emotional regulation, and a whole host of unexplained chronic physical symptoms.

Sound familiar?

So here we are — caught in this cycle — thrust into survival mode. This state skews communication, decision-making, and vision, leading us towards chaos, seeking instant solutions and distractions rather…



Martin O'Toole
Readers Hope

Psychedelic integration coach and counsellor, How To Die Happy author, podcaster, and mental health advocate writing about healing and the Anatomy of Happy.