Torn Between Two Realities

We’re born under evil’s control, but God has made a way of escape!

Cheryl Watson
Readers Hope
2 min readMar 24, 2024


Photo by Preslava Glushkova on Unsplash

When we are born, we find ourselves torn between two spiritual realms — the knowledge of good and good and evil. It’s a delicate balance, a tightrope walk between opposing forces that vie for our allegiance. Yet, we can’t conform simultaneously; that would literally tear us apart.

Thankfully, God allows us to choose between these two kingdoms. He crafted us for Himself, granting us the gift of free will. But valid free will necessitates a genuine choice between alternatives. Adam and Eve chose darkness.

Consider Adam and Eve, dwelling in the intimate embrace of goodness until the serpent’s cunning whispered deceit into their hearts. They succumbed to the allure of evil, ignoring every blessing, forever altering the course of humanity. Since then, we’ve been intimately acquainted with the duality of good and evil in our lives.

Despite this awareness, humanity often finds itself drawn to rebellion and disobedience, perpetually craving a return to the pristine state of Eden. Yet, alternative paths, seeking everything but Jesus to fill the void only He can satisfy.

God, however, desires our return to pure goodness. The cross is the pivotal moment in history, the unfolding of His ultimate plan to offer us redemption.

It’s a gift waiting to be embraced, contingent upon our willingness to choose.

Consider these truths:

Two Rulers—The Serpent: One seeks to ensnare us in deception, playing on our vulnerabilities with twisted half-truths and stirring up our emotions to error. But his time is fleeting, for his defeat is inevitable.

Two Rulers: Jesus: The embodiment of love, he extends an invitation to an abundant and eternal life. His way is the path of true liberation, offering complete and glorious reconciliation with the Father.

Standing at the crossroads, torn between allegiance to darkness or light. The choice is yours to make, each decision shaping your destiny. God will help you.

For those who deceive and lead astray, their schemes will be laid bare in due time. But for those who choose Christ, the promise of eternal joy awaits, transcending the limitations of this mortal existence.

Let‘s not be swayed by the allure of temporary pleasures but fix our gaze upon the hope found in Christ alone. In Him is the fulfillment of every longing heart, the restoration of all that was lost.

Torn between two realities, choose wisely; your decision echoes throughout eternity.



Cheryl Watson
Readers Hope

The Happy Christian. Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.