Two Experiments That Changed My Life Forever: Gratitude and Minimalism

Readers Hope
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2023
(Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay)

Allow me to introduce myself — I am a nonpractising lawyer and fashion model who has achieved great success by all worldly standards. Yet, despite all my accomplishments, an unshakable feeling of emptiness lingered within me in the past. I was one of those individuals who seemingly had everything, but somehow, true joy and fulfillment had not always been there. I couldn't seem to shake off the negative thoughts that were plaguing me. As I was going through this particularly difficult time in my life, I decided to embark on a journey of self-experimentation. I had always heard about the benefits of practicing gratitude and living a minimalist lifestyle but had never truly given them a chance. So, I decided to try both of them out at the same time and see how they would impact my life.

I started my day by listing down three things that I was grateful for, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant they were. At first, it wasn't easy to come up with things to write down, but my perspective began to shift as the days went on. I started to notice the little things I had taken for granted before, like the sun's warmth on my face, the taste of my morning tea, or the sound of birds chirping outside my window.

This simple practice helped me to shift my mindset and focus on the positive aspects of my life, even when things seemed tough. I continued this practice throughout the day, trying to find things to be grateful for in every situation.

As the days turned into weeks, I began to feel lighter and more positive. I noticed that I was smiling more often and that my interactions with others were more pleasant. Even when things didn't go my way, I found that I was better able to handle the situation and move on.

At the same time, I also began to declutter my life and adopt a more minimalist lifestyle for a month. I got rid of items that no longer served a purpose in my life and made a conscious effort only to keep the things that truly brought me joy and added value to my life. This process wasn't easy, but it was incredibly liberating.

(Image by blickpixel from Pixabay)

With less clutter in my life, my mind became clearer, and I could focus better on my work. With a limited diet, I discovered new ways to cook and appreciate the simple pleasures of food. I found that the less I had, the less stressed I felt and the more I was able to appreciate the things that truly mattered.

As I continued with these practices, I noticed a remarkable shift in my overall outlook on life. I felt more at peace, content, and fulfilled than ever. I was more present in the moment and able to fully appreciate and enjoy the experiences that life had to offer. I also found that I could cultivate stronger and more meaningful relationships with the people in my life as I focused more on the things that truly mattered.

Overall, my self-experimentation with practicing gratitude and living a minimalist lifestyle profoundly and positively impacted my life. It allowed me to shift my mindset, focus on the things that truly matter, and let go of the things holding me back. Now I appreciate every luxury goods or services ten times more.

I am grateful for this experience and look forward to continuing on this journey of self-discovery and personal growth. I hope this inspired you, and if you're not feeling truly happy, I recommend trying those practices.

Thank you for reading.

This article was written 50% with the help of AI using ChatGPT.



Readers Hope

I am writing about personal development, success, motivation and spirituality. I will help you grow personally, professionally and spiritually.