How I Find Time For People

Tyler Woden
Readers Hope


‘I Don’t Have The Time.’ ‘I Want To, But I’m Just So Busy.’

Photo by Brad Neathery on Unsplash

If you referred to the subtitle in this article, I ask you this: when was the last time you heard someone say this to you? Last week? Likely. A few days ago? Probably. Yesterday? It’s still likely.

It’s common, isn’t it? To hear ‘I don’t have the time,’ or something along those lines. When was the last time you heard someone say this to you, and think about how it made you feel.

Did you ask to hang out? Maybe the other person said they had no time, right? Maybe they were working too much? Maybe it was the kids? Whatever the reason, they just didn’t have the time for you. Sorry.

Now ask yourself how it made you feel. Did it make you feel upset or annoyed? Did it make you feel under valued, or perhaps not valued at all? Ask yourself and tell me.

Now, think back to when YOU last said it to someone. When you told them, ‘I don’t have the time,’ what were you thinking at the time? Whatever your reason, you just ‘didn’t have time,’ right? Yeah…right.

Ask yourself, once you told this person what you told them, that you had no time, how did it make you feel? Did you feel guilty? Did you feel relieved? Did you feel anything?

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Let me tell you something. Time is limited, yes, but there is always time to do something if you want to. I am always…always busy with this or that, but one fact remains…

If I want to see someone, I will MAKE the time. It does not matter how ‘busy’ I am. If I really want to chill with someone or do something with them, I will make or find that time. It’s there somewhere.

You see, it’s all a matter of want or don’t want. Think about all the times you’ve heard this same line:

  • Hey, wanna go to the gym? I don’t have time. (How likely is that?)
  • What about going for a drink? I gotta pick up my girlfriend. (Oh yes this can take the whole day)
  • I’m over working in this country. Should we meet somewhere on a holiday and catch up? (Oh, not sure because…lalala. Then they proceed to go on holiday elsewhere)
  • Wanna come over and chill? (I gotta watch this kids)
  • Friend, would you mind clapping, commenting and sharing my article for me? Just takes a minute. (Silence, followed by ‘I forgot, I did this and that and…) You know the rest.

Does any of the above sound even remotely familiar to you? If they do, I would strongly suggest after hearing this line for two or three times, you move along. Stop asking. Just stop. They do not want to. Period.

We are in a time of ‘Right now,’ and communication takes only a second of our time. Technology has changed everything, including the way many of us value the relationships we have in life.

As time goes on, people, in general, do not have ‘time’ for anything other than what satisfies them in that moment. Technology, such as calls and messages have become a substitute for face to face contact.

However, one fact remains. If someone wants to, they will. If they want to spend time with you or see you, regardless of what it might be, they will make or find that time.

I do.

What about you?

If you want to see someone or do something with someone, you just do it right?

My point exactly.

If you find yourself making excuses about time, I would question if you truly value that person at all. Ask yourself one question. ‘How would you feel?’

In Summary

Time is limited, but everyone has it. If someone really wants to do something, they will find the time. How do I know this? Because that’s what I do. You? Yep. There you go.

Final Thoughts

Hey, but I bet you ‘got the time’ for Netflix though. Am I right? ;-)



Tyler Woden
Readers Hope

Unbound by niches. However, I enjoy writing: Fiction -Life -Mental Health I equally enjoy reading in the same areas