Unexpected Bedroom Discovery

Love and Decision

Readers Hope


Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

After work, Seth pulled up the long,
gravel driveway with the weight
of the future, pursuing residence in his heart.
Seth put the car in park and turned off the lights.
The sun sank below the horizon,
and thick shadows scared away
the day’s rays.
The moon stretched
as he sorted his life out,
The radio played soft pop,
and the lyrics and rhythm went well.
Seth held a single red rose
and recited what he’d tell Nancy.
Five years ago, the couple met
at a Christian college.
She told him about heaven,
and he asked her about Jesus.
Their talks led to more than they’d bargained for.
Tangled in love without a get-out plan — an escape route
left little doubt God locked the door,
explaining God had put Nancy
in his life to share it with hers.
Seth exited the car and moved
to the sliding glass door.
He had words to say
and a surprise to offer.
Seth stepped over
the eggshells that
a careless word had cracked.
He’d correct the mess
before this fall.
He moved his fingers through his
thick, dark hair.
He flipped through
a stack of envelopes
containing bills and junk mail.
He set them back in place
for Nancy to pay.
An evergreen scent hit
his nostrils before he saw
the candle flickering
on the pine kitchen table.
As Seth smiled, a faint rose tinge
dusted his cheekbones.
He tossed his keys onto the maple island,
and loosened his red tie on his
white Polo dress shirt.
Seth opened the fridge,
shifted milk, and eggs,
and twisted the cap on a Coors.
He took a long sip
and wiped his mouth with his sleeve.
Keith Sweat played from an R&B
playlist on the stereo.
It was low enough
to hear Nancy’s moans
but loud enough to drown out
the awkwardness baked into
a certain shyness
that lingered in the shadows,
of the confidence lurking in his soul;
and the fiery lust burning in her chest.
Seth moved to the stairs.
He paused and narrowed one eye,
turning his head around.
The people talked on the sweeter
side of serendipity.
Their lips exchanged kisses
meant for their lovers.
Seth took another sip
and set the bottle
on the island.
He grabbed the rail,
fury dancing through his eyes,
and moved up the tan carpet
that blended with an oak floor.
He turned his head
and moved his eyes
around the upstairs living room.
Pictures from vacations
and holidays hung across the beige walls.
The dim lights gave a romantic aura.
The maroon couch and tan loveseat
around the large TV faced the large
bay window that reflected ripples
off the lake below.
His eyes settled
on the cracked bedroom door,
a portal to the unknown,
stirring a sense of intrigue within him.
Seth folded his hands
and closed the distance to the bedroom.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
He didn’t want to return to prison,
but if the girl had cheated,
he’d consider the risk-to-reward ratio.
Seth pushed the door open.
“What’s going on here?” he said.
“What?” Nancy said, shrieking.
“Who is he?” Seth said above room-level voice.
“Who is who?” Nancy said, motioning.
Seth looked around the room, bent down,
and shifted the blanket to look under the bed.
“I know what I heard.” Seth moved to the closet and flung the door open. He flipped on the light and shifted clothes on hangers. He sighed and scratched the top of his head.
Seth shut off the light. “What did I hear?” he said as he closed the closet door.
Nancy blushed, folded her lips under her teeth, and broke eye contact.
As Seth returned his attention to the bedroom TV, his eyes eased into a sultry gaze.
“You naughty, girl.”
Nancy playfully motioned. “I wanted to spice things up in the bedroom.”
“So, you watch a porn?” Seth laughed.
“I wanted to please you,” Nancy said. “Look, I know you don’t watch porn.”
“How would you know that?” Seth arched a brow.
“I have your passwords,” she said, “but that’s not the point.”
“So, I guess we’ll come back to the whole you having my passwords to my devices thing later.”
“I learned so much,” Nancy said, like a child telling their parent something they’d learned in school.
“What about Jesus?”
Nancy dipped her head. “I know, but the flesh is weak, right?”
“Apparently, yours is weak,” Seth said, grinning.
“Think I’m going to hell, don’t you?”
“Sex is for marriage,” Seth said.
“Oh, is that how it goes?” Nancy shrugged and laughed. “No one gave us the memo.”
“But seriously,” Seth said. “This night is important.”
“New television show on?”
“Something better,” Seth said.
Seth moved strands of her long, red hair out of her face and gave her a wanting eye.
Nancy sighed, softening her embarrassment to understanding. “Besides a good book, sex with you, what could be better?” Nancy hugged herself.
“You said it was the only way,” Seth said.
“What way?” Nancy lifted and lowered her hands.
“One way,” Seth said, “that’s what you said.”
Nancy’s eyes stretched like popped light sockets.
Seth dug into his jeans pocket.
Nancy held her wide mouth.
“I’m tired of worrying about Jesus judging us for, well, you know.”
Red replaced Nancy’s pale cheeks. “That’s it, judgment?”
Seth’s eyes glassed over. “I’ve never loved anyone more than I love you.”
“We’re a package deal, though, okay?” Nancy played with her hands.
Seth arched a brow. “Your sister?”
Nancy playfully punched him. “No,” she laughed at the thought of living with her sister again, “the baby,” she said, rubbing her stomach. “We’re a package deal.” Motherhood tangled her gaze.
“Baby?” Seth said before he thought to. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Then yes,” Nancy said. “I’ll marry you.”
Seth slid his ring onto their forever ambitions.

(© 2024 AC)

(Amazon Kindle, Spillwords, The Writers Club)

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Readers Hope

U.S. Army Veteran. Paratrooper. Runner. I write short stories and poems.