Useless life skill #27 that I’ve learned in 2 years of living on the road

Is it possible to have too much free time?

Jennifer Cartwright
Readers Hope
3 min readJul 17, 2024


When I had kids I let my spark go out.

Do you know what I mean?

That spark of excitement… that zap of energy you used to have. The feeling that anything was possible.

When I had kids I got so swept up in the chaos of breastfeeding, nappies, washing, and yes – maternal bliss…

That I forgot to keep my own spark alive.

But one day I decided I was done with being a grumpy mum.

My husband and I also decided – around the same time – that we were done with being in debt. It was a time of real reflection for us.

Were we living the life we wanted in our hearts? Or had we just followed the conveyor belt of conventional wisdom?

We decided this wasn’t how we wanted the next twenty years of our life to go.

So we sold our house, got out of debt, bought a caravan… and hit the road.

It’s been two years now, living and working on the road. We’ve done a lap of Aussie, we’ve spent three months with family in New Zealand.

In that time I’ve also been on a journey to rediscover my spark. And in the moments I’ve felt it flicker…

I’ve never felt so alive.

Photo by Author

One thing I’ve realised was that I simply stopped setting goals for myself.

When you set a goal for yourself you start with a vision – a future self, a possibility. Sometimes that vision alone is enough to ignite a spark of inspiration.

One year ago I set a goal to do a 30-second handstand.

It might seem trivial – but I’ve always loved gymnastics as a kid. And I’ve never had a strong upper body so it’s been a challenge.

When I started, I couldn’t hold a handstand for more than one second.

Photo by Author

In this pic I’m doing a 17-second handstand, my best so far. This is just over halfway to my 30-second goal.

But the end result isn’t what matters.

What matters is that I’ve got something to work towards… to look forward to… no matter how small.

It’s not about the handstand. It’s about growth, expansion, trying something new. It’s about having something for ME.

And it’s my own little ‘F you’ to – what sometimes feels like – the tedium of motherhood.

Because it’s a bloody fun way to kill time while the kids play at the playground.

So if you feel like you’ve lost your spark, and you want it back again…

Consider setting a goal for yourself. It might be running 5k, it might be starting that book, it might be learning a new skill… it could be anything! As long as it’s meaningful to you.

Next, work out what skills or knowledge you need.

Then set aside time to do it.

And then watch what happens.



Jennifer Cartwright
Readers Hope

Science writer & PhD physio turned copywriter. Now peeling back the layers of motherhood & social conditioning to rediscover my inner fire❤️‍🔥