What Is Hedonism and Why Is It Killing Us?

From Bliss to Abyss, From Freedom to Tyranny

Readers Hope


A hedonistic bunch of people throwing a party, AI generated image
Hedonistic party people. Prompted by the author in Midjourney.

Let’s get right into it and look at what hedonism is defined as:

Hedonism is a philosophical theory or ethical stance that posits pleasure or happiness as the highest good and ultimate aim of human life. It advocates that actions can be considered morally right if they lead to pleasure and minimize pain, suggesting that the pursuit of pleasure is the primary or most important goal of human action.

Sounds familiar?

It’s western world “culture”.

When all basic needs are met people are free to pursue what makes them happy right? What’s bad about that? Well…

Compilation of hedonistic imagery created in Midjourney AI
Facets of hedonism. Prompted by the author in Midjourney.

… it’s bad when it’s the sole purpose of existence and all your actions. In the pursuit of pleasure and happiness we become narcissistic, egoistic, shallow and ultimately… unhappy.

“Those only are happy who…



Readers Hope

Hailing from Austria, a self-employed graphics designer and writer since 2009. Loves long walks in the forest, rain, thoughtful solitude and silly raccoons.