What my 3-month-old baby taught me

Babies humbly remind us to be a better human.

Readers Hope
2 min readJul 18, 2024



Every morning before leaving for work my little man needs to sit on my belly for a while. This is part of his daily chores. Exchanging smiles with each other and locked in the moment, He leaves me with some major life lessons to be learned.

Another day I was upset about the work or somewhat. Gunn (The short form of my son’s name GUNNVIJAY SINGH) started to cry; maybe he needed something (a diaper change or his timely feed). After whining for a while this little man was the happiest man after getting what he wanted. It was so easy for him to be in the moment. Unbothered about the past or future, He is purely reflecting his current mood.

Gunn has taught me big time to stay in the moment. He is the purest form of humankind at present. Maybe when he grows and gets introduced to this world things change (which I never want to happen but can’t run away from it either)

The second thing I learned from him is the focus and the dedication to get what he wants. If it is his sleep time he needs me for a little stroll. If it is his feed time he needs his mama. His little stares at the colorful water bottles are his time of amusement. His little sneak peek at the television screen is inescapable. He is focused on the moment there are no distractions in his way. I love this part. Gunn has heaps of unconditional love to offer to whoever he meets.

Gunn has a beautiful infectious smile. In the middle of his grumbling sessions of exploring his suitable sleeping position, he will always grin back amid his crying sessions. As an adult, we have lost this child-like side of ours. Never lose a chance to spend time with babies. Whenever you get a chance always gaze into the eyes of a baby. They have millions of lost life lessons to offer.

