What We Might Bring into a Climate Changed Future

And what we might leave behind.

Judith Moran
Readers Hope
2 min readOct 9, 2021


Photo by John Price on Unsplash

Climate disruption has been on my mind lately.

The summer of 2021 seemed relentless in the number and scope of calamities: droughts, wildfires, and floods, all exacerbated by climate change.

I had a conversation with an elderly friend who feels the ones who will make it best through climate disruption will be the indigenous communities who know how to live outside an industrial, capitalistic system and who know how to rely on each other. She said she feels indigenous communities are the best hope for humanity. She ended the conversation by saying “But what is important is that we make it.”

Recently while petting my dog Coco, without any pre-thought, but by instinct, I asked her: “Dogs will come with us into the great unknown, won’t you? You’ll stay by us, right?”

I took comfort imagining dogs still by our sides in the uncertain days of this climate crisis. Dogs have been with us for so long. And they have been ever so helpful and companionable.

I began to wonder what else might remain with us. So I started two lists. One list of what is beautiful or useful and what I feel would be of benefit in the precarious coming days. And the other list is of what I’d like for us to leave behind.

Let us bring:
dogs, especially working dogs
mousing cats
pack animals
seeds and our knowledge of the remaining edible and medicinal plants
the wheel
canoes, kayaks, and sailboats
the knowledge of how to navigate and orient by the stars
interpreting our dreams
meditation and mindfulness
children’s games involving balls, sticks, string, pebbles, mud, imagination, and climbing trees where there are still trees
rituals for celebrating births and mourning the dead
gratitude for what remains
and love.

Let us leave behind:
and disconnection from the Web of Life, from the Earth, and other beings.

I have no doubt other people would have different lists.
Some might resemble mine and some might be dissimilar.

I know that love will always be on my list of what to bring. And Coco.

What will you bring?



Judith Moran
Readers Hope

Living as lightly as possible on this beautiful earth. Writing about climate action, gardening, and Ireland. Top writer in Sustainability.