When things in life feel out of control..

Sindhu Kodoor
Readers Hope
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2024

Happiness is a relative term, and what I mean by relative is: if waking up early in the morning and going for a walk gives you happiness and satisfaction, the same morning I might find happiness in a cup of coffee and a book to read. The point is neither can I force you to be happy by making you sit with me and drink coffee and read a book nor can you force me to take a walk and be happy with it!

We all sometimes expect each other to talk, act, behave and react in certain way, through the lens of our perceptions . If I don’t approve of your behaviour towards me then I get upset, and if I don’t act “appropriately” according to you then you feel let down. So on and so forth …

The more expectations and opinions and judgements we form of others, the more unhappy we get, as our world ( outer ) seems so out of control that our inner world seems disturbed.

The same occurs from events, news, work, family and just about anything in life. As a gentle reminder I bought this poster and would like to share it here as a reminder to you too, I am sure its not the first time you have seen this either, but life gets busy, your mind takes control of the things you focus especially in times of challenges and sometimes you need visual reminders like this, to stay calm and grounded and focus on what you can.

Photo of a poster I purchased
Source: Photo by Author — Poster bought online www.temu.com

This is a representation of our world. The Outer world, which has other people, places, situations, events, past and future, all of which we have no control over how, when , what and why takes place.

However, what we can control is our inner world, that is our thoughts, words, actions, feelings, behaviour, opinions, ideas.

Why do we have to do this introspection? Because, if you look closely, our outer world is a mere reflection of how we feel on the inside. And what we choose to focus on grows.

Hope you enjoyed reading this, and it was also a reminder for you. I am new to Medium, but have written few articles here based on my reading interests in books, articles, blogs, videos of self growth, mindset shift and mindfulness. If you liked reading this, please feel free to drop a comment. Thank you!



Sindhu Kodoor
Readers Hope

Avid reader, life enthusiast, self coach, interested in mindset shift.