Why We March

We march for our rights, our country’s legacy, and the future of our posterity.

Danny Morph
Readers Hope
3 min readAug 7, 2024


Photo by Emmanuel Ikwuegbu on https://unsplash.com/

As a once prosperous economy suffers,

Hunger within children’s loins lingers,

Poverty and social injustice fester

Manifestos manifests as hackneyed propaganda

Of leaders who behave like toddlers

Desperate for office but without an agenda

Or ideas and policies that aim to empower

The people to succeed and prosper

In lieu, they increase their benefits, eat, and lick their fingers

Oblivious to the needs of the people because it doesn’t matter

As long as they have everything they need within their coffers

So, corruption looms, nepotism fosters

Tribalism, religious intolerance, and favoritism engenders

A society of disadvantage for those who are not part of the number

Of people who are attached to the political quarry of movers and shakers

Of the people in power, our distinguished leaders

Those who guide the country toward uneven development and lackluster

Growth in every aspect of society and the people’s desires

Cannot materialize but falters

Within an abysmal labyrinth of ruination where nothing glitters

Like several Nescars shoved off course by inept drivers.

What is a Naira and a dream?

When nothing is what it should seem

The cost of living is obscene

Currency depreciates like an overused engine

Electricity is powered by secondary machines

Light tariffs increase daily, but wages evaporate rapidly like steam

Bills pile up, and buying necessities has become a horror scene

Filled with angst, anguish without end, but only scarce means

Where the actors cannot escape because there is no mechanism

As the script only provides for scary gore and grim

Please, who wants to watch that film?

Maybe people should embrace quiescence

And continue an ignoble existence

When their counterparts abroad are enjoying the essence

Of basic amenities that engender fluorescence.

How long should people toil and strive through the nonsense

Of governance that prefers retardation to excellence?

Of leaders without an objective to build bridges of progress and convenience?

But want to be recognized as “Your Majesty, Your Lordship, Your Eminence”

Only seeking vainglory, titles, and prominence

But answer every call to duty with reproach and violence

Because they have no solution for the extant pestilence.

Hence, we march peacefully because it is our right

To exercise our divine power and might

As denizens of a country with no future in sight

Where serious issues concerning the citizenry are treated with blithe- —

Unemployment, corruption, and insecurity — our everyday plight.

We march ‘cos of expensive prices for simple delights —

Food, healthcare, electricity, transportation, even domestic flights

We march to ensure our dimmed future becomes bright

To bring back hope, and joy, and ease our fright

Living in a society where every day is a struggle and fight

To breathe, eat, keep a job, pay rent — something that has become trite

For the average Nigerian constantly experiencing Strife

Who was meant to enjoy the fulfillment of a great life?

As all these are facts

Tell me, why shouldn’t we march?

On 1/07/24, thousands of Nigerians proceeded to the streets of the country to protest bad governance and egregious economic conditions.

Please support the cause.

