Will AI Writing Ever Captivate Hearts Like Hemingway

Audiences still crave authentic human stories. I am questioning the limits of AI content creation.

Anshul Kummar
Readers Hope


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“Whether you like it or not, the machines are here to write.” That’s according to Paul Levinson, professor of communication and media studies at Fordham University.

He's referring to the meteoric rise of artificial intelligence tools that can generate everything from an essay to a novel with just a few clicks.

And let me tell you, as a writer who has made a living cranking out blogs, articles, and website copy for the past decade — the robots are putting up some darn good content these days.

I would know, I’ve tried ChatGPT.

But I shelved its usage after a few tries. There is no creativity, no soul, and it does not touch my human sentiments. If I’m not moved by it, how will my fellow readers?

Can AI Replace Writers?

"Over my dead body!" is what I would have said just a couple of years ago if you told me machines were coming for my writing gigs.

I considered myself indispensable because of my hard-won writing skills and ability to research and craft an engaging story.



Anshul Kummar
Readers Hope

Writer I YouTuber I Productivity Enthusiast I AI & Entrepreneur. Connect with Me: https://linktr.ee/wordsmithwriter0