Will Elon’s Everything App really make our lives easier?

Exploring the Potential of Twitter’s Transformation into an “Everything App” Under Elon Musk’s Leadership

Mitch Hamilton
Readers Hope
4 min readApr 17, 2023


Twitter, under the leadership of Elon Musk, is taking steps towards transforming into an “everything app” similar to China’s WeChat. Musk, with an estimated net worth of $185 billion, has a vision of creating a world-leading financial institution with Twitter’s super app, “X.” One of the recent developments towards realizing this vision is Twitter’s partnership with eToro, a leading social trading and investment platform. This partnership aims to expand the types of real-time trading data available on Twitter and allow users to buy and sell stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets from eToro via Twitter’s mobile app.

Image by the author

What do we know already?

Elon Musk aims to turn Twitter into an “everything app” like China’s WeChat.

Don’t expect Elon’s Everything app to have a feature that predicts when your laundry will fold itself. We’re not quite there yet!

Twitter has partnered with eToro to allow users to trade stocks and cryptocurrencies.

The deal with eToro will expand the types of real-time trading data available on Twitter.

Users will be able to buy and sell stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets from eToro via Twitter’s mobile app.

The partnership aims to better connect the two brands and provide users with more information about the markets.

Was This Elon’s expensive $44 billion Goal for Twitter all along?

Uh…… duh!

The “Everything app” combines the functionality of various apps in one, such as ride-hailing, financial services, chat, media, gaming, food delivery, and investing. But we are yet to see much progress on those.

Twitter’s incorporated name was (not-so) quietly changed to X Corp this month.

Musk wants Twitter’s superapp, “X,” to be the world’s leading financial institution.

X Corp is described as a privately held organization, and its parent entity is called X Holdings Corp for conducting business.

Elon Musk previously established an online banking company called X.com, which eventually merged with Confinity and became PayPal.

Musk’s vision for Twitter’s “everything app” includes expanding its offerings beyond social media to encompass various financial services.

The partnership with eToro is a step towards realizing Musk’s vision for Twitter’s transformation into an “everything app.”

How will this make life easier?

Maybe with some of these things, but do you really care?

Honestly, most of what we see so far is about merging trading and social media. Such

Access to Real-Time Trading Data

Twitter’s partnership with eToro will provide users with expanded access to real-time trading data, allowing them to make informed investment decisions more easily.

Twitter’s integration with eToro will allow users to buy and sell stocks, cryptocurrencies, and other assets with just a few clicks, making the process of investing more convenient and streamlined.

Unfortunately, Elon’s Everything app won’t include a button to make your boss disappear, but we can dream, right

Educative Content

Users can turn to Twitter to educate themselves about the markets, as eToro CEO Yoni Assia mentioned. This can provide valuable information and insights to help users make informed investment decisions.

Variety of Financial Instruments and Asset Classes

The partnership between Twitter and eToro will introduce an expanded range of financial instruments and asset classes to users, giving them more options and opportunities for investment diversification.

Access to Investment Opportunities

With the ability to trade stocks and cryptocurrencies directly through Twitter, users will have access to a wider range of investment opportunities, potentially allowing them to capitalize on market trends and opportunities more easily.

Elon’s “Everything App” won’t include a button to make your kids do their homework. Sorry, parenting is still a DIY project!”

One-Stop App for Multiple Functions

Elon Musk’s vision of transforming Twitter into an “everything app” like WeChat in China could potentially consolidate various functions into one app, making it more convenient for users to manage their financial, social, and other activities in one place.

Potential for Financial Inclusion

Elon Musk’s vision of creating a world-leading financial institution with his “X” app could potentially democratize access to financial services, making it easier for people from all walks of life to participate in the financial markets and potentially improve their financial well-being.


While Elon’s Everything App might not have the power to predict when your laundry will fold itself or make your boss disappear (we wish!), it does hold the potential to simplify the way we access and manage financial services.

Elon Musk’s vision for Twitter’s transformation into an “everything app” is ambitious and it’s certainly an exciting step towards a future where managing our financial lives could be as easy as a few taps on our screens.

Here’s to hoping that Elon’s Everything App lives up to the hype, and who knows, maybe one day we’ll all be managing our finances and making memes in one place with a single tap.

Cheers to the future of finance and social media, and let’s see where Elon takes us with his grand plans for Twitter’s X Corp! Until then, happy investing and tweeting, and remember, parenting is still a DIY project!

Thanks for Reading

Unfortunately, Elon’s Everything app won’t include a built-in coffee dispenser. Looks like we’ll still have to brew our own. But if you enjoyed this article, I’d appreciate a coffee, before I write the next one!

